张大千(1899年5月10日—1983年4月2日),中国著名画家,祖籍广东省番禺县,生于清朝四川省内江,因其诗、书、画与齐白石、溥心畬齐名,故又并称为“南张北齐”和“南张北溥”。与黄君璧、溥心畲以“渡海三家”齐名。二十多岁便蓄著一把大胡子,成为张大千日后的特有标志。曾与齐白石、徐悲鸿、黄宾虹、溥儒等国内各名家及外国大师毕加索交游切磋。Zhang Daqian (May 10, 1899 - April 2, 1983), a famous Chinese painter, was born in Panyu County, Guangdong Province, in Neijiang, Sichuan Province, in the Qing Dynasty. Because of his poems, books, paintings and Qi Baishi, Pu Xinshe, he is also known as "Nanzhang Beiqi" and "Nanzhang Beipu". With Huang Junbi and Pu Xinshe, they are known as "three families crossing the sea". In his twenties, he grew a big beard, which became a special symbol of Zhang Daqian's future. He has exchanged with Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, Huang Binhong, Pu Ru and other famous domestic and foreign masters Picasso.