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 该碑全称为《大元敕赐开府仪同三司上卿辅成赞化保运玄教大宗师志道弘教冲玄仁靖大真人知集贤院事领诸路道教事张公碑铭》, 俗称“道教碑”。此碑立于元天历二年,赵孟頫楷书,今存于北京民俗博物馆,为国家一级文物。



张留孙(1248~1321)为元代龙虎宗支派玄教创始人。字师汉,信州贵溪(今属江 西)人。幼从伯父张闻诗学道于龙虎山上清宫,继师李宗老。后以所学游江淮间。至元 十三年(1276),元世祖召三十六代天师张宗演赴阙,选其从行。第二年,张宗演返龙虎山,张留孙留侍阙下。据传其能请祷止雨、疗疾,世祖命为上卿,铸宝剑,镂其文曰: “‘大元赐张上卿’,敕两都各建崇真宫,朝夕从驾。

张留孙历仕世祖、成宗、武宗、仁宗、英宗五朝,领导玄教四十余年。除宗教活动 外,并参预不少政治活动。赵孟瞓《玄教大宗师张公碑铭》称,张留孙“每进见,必陈 说古今治乱成败之理,多所裨益。士大夫赖公(指张留孙——引者注)荐扬,致位尊显 者,数十百人。及以过失获谴,敕公救解,自贷于死者,亦如之”。可见张留孙在襄赞 朝廷政治与调和官吏矛盾方面,曾作过不少工作,起过不少作用。因此,一方面更加取 得了皇帝的赏识和信任,另方面在大臣和士人中结交了许多朋友,“大臣故老心腹之臣, 莫不与开府(指张留孙——引者注)有深契焉”。从而使他领导的玄教能盛极一时。 延皊四年(1317),张留孙年满七十,仁宗为之大举祝寿。

“上使国公画公像,诏翰林学士承旨赵公孟瞓书赞进入,上亲临视,识以皇帝之宝, 以赐公生日”。并以之永“镇崇真宫”。“是日,赐宴崇真宫,内外有司各以其职供具,宰相百官咸与焉。”英宗至治元 年(1321),张留孙逝世,皇帝又为之大办丧事,将其遗体送至龙虎山安葬,“自京师至其乡,水陆数千里,所过郡县,迎送设奠,不约而集。比葬,四方吊问之使交至。自 王公以下,治丧致客,未有若此盛者。”天历二年(1329)加封“辅成赞化保运神德 真君”。



--------Introduction in English--------

The monument is called "The Monument of Zhang Gonggong, Consul General of Jixian Hospital of Da Ren Jing, Da Ren, Da Ren, Da Ren and Da Ren Jing", which is commonly known as "the Monument of Taoism". This monument was erected in the second year of the Yuan Dynasty calendar. Zhao Mengfu's regular script is now stored in the Beijing Folklore Museum. It is a national first-class cultural relic.

There are 85 stone tablets restored on both sides of Dongyue Temple Road and 89 stone tablets in the main courtyard of Zhonglu Road. Special for Zhao Mengfu's "Zhang Liusun Road Stele" (commonly known as "Taoist Stele") added FRP protective cover. In the 1920s, there were still 180 monuments, including one monument, 32 Ming monuments, 99 Qing monuments and six stone monuments in the Republic of China.

It is as if the number of stone tablets in the Dongyue Temple and lions on the Lugou Bridge were countless, which were circulated in old Beijing in the past. Without special investigation and counting, it is impossible to count the real number of rugged corners.

Zhang Liusun (1248-1321) was the founder of the Xuanjiao Sect of the Dragon and Tiger Sect in the Yuan Dynasty. The Chinese character teacher is a native of Guixi, Xinzhou (now Jiangxi). Young from Uncle Zhang Wen's poetry doctrine in the Qing Palace on Longhu Mountain, followed by Li Zonglao. Later, I traveled between the Yangtze River and Huaihe River with what I learned. Up to the 13th year of the Yuan Dynasty (1276), Zhang Zongyan, the 36-generation heavenly teacher of the Yuan Dynasty, was summoned by the ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty to go to Queens and chose him to follow suit. The next year, Zhang Zongyan returned to Longhu Mountain, and Zhang Liushan stayed in the waiting room. According to legend, it can pray to stop rain and cure illness. The ancestors of the world ordered Shangqing to cast a sword. They wrote: "Dayuan bestows Zhang Shangqing" and built Chongzhen Palace in both cities, driving from morning to night.

Zhang Liusun led the Xuanjiao religion for more than forty years in the five dynasties, namely, Shizu, Chengzong, Wuzong, Renzong and Yingzong. Besides religious activities, he also participated in many political activities. According to Zhao Mengzhi's inscription on Zhang Gong, a great master of Xuan religion, Zhang Liusun "every time he enters into the world, he will tell us the truth of success or failure in combating chaos in ancient and modern times, which is of great benefit. Lai Gong, a scholar-bureaucrat, praised and honored hundreds of people. The same is true for those who are guilty of negligence, rescued by the public and lent themselves to the deceased. It can be seen that Zhang Liusun has done a lot of work and played a lot of roles in Xiangzan court politics and reconciling the contradictions between officials. Therefore, on the one hand, it has gained the emperor's appreciation and trust, on the other hand, it has made many friends among ministers and scholars. "The old ministers of the ministers have deep agreement with Kaifu (referring to Zhang Liusun - quotation). So that the metaphysical religion under his leadership could flourish for a while. Yangao 4 years (1317), Zhang Liusun 70 years old, Renzong for a large birthday.

"The upper envoy painted a portrait of the Gong of the Kingdom, and imperial scholars ordered Zhao Gong and Meng Yaoshu to admire it. The upper envoy saw it personally and recognized the treasure of the emperor to give him his birthday." And forever "ZhenChongzhen Palace". "It's the day when banquets are given to worship the real palace, with ministers in and out serving as ministers, and ministers in Hundred Officials Salty and Yan." In the first year of Yingzong Zhizhi (1321), when Zhang Liushan died, the emperor performed funerals for him and sent his body to Longhu Mountain for burial. "From the capital to his hometown, thousands of miles of land and water passed through the counties and counties to welcome and lay foundations. In comparison with burial, the envoys from all sides were handed over. From below the prince, there is no such prosperity in curing mourning and killing visitors." In the second year of the Tianli calendar (1329), a seal was added to "support the true emperor of God's virtue and morality in the protection of transport".

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