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乔治·德拉托尔Georges de La Tour

    乔治·德·拉·托尔Georges de La Tour出生在洛雷纳的杜卡多的一个小村庄里。杜卡多当时是位于神圣罗马帝国的版图内的一个独立的地区,在一百五十年之后,这块土地被划入了法国的版图之中。乔治是面包师的儿子,关于他的有据可查的记载开始与1616年。

  • 中文名乔治·德拉托尔
  • 外文名Georges de La Tour
  • 性别
  • 国籍法国
  • 出生地杜卡多
  • 出生日期1593年3月13日
  • 逝世日期1652年1月30日
  • 职业画家




在1617年他与黛安娜结婚勒削弱,从一个小贵族家庭,1620年,他建立了他的工作室在她安静的省级的家乡吕内维尔,独立的一部分洛林公爵领地被法国占领,在他有生之年,1641 - 48。他画主要宗教和一些类型的场景。他得到了标题“画家王”(法国)1638年,他还曾为洛林公爵在1623 - 4,但当地中产阶级提供了他的主要市场,他取得了一定的财富。他不是记录在吕内维尔在1639 - 42岁,可能旅行;安东尼检测的影响Gerrit van Honthorst在他的画作。他卷入了一场方济会修士在洛林主导宗教复兴,在他的职业生涯中他搬到了绘画几乎完全宗教题材,但在治疗风俗画的影响。



洛杉矶之旅的早期作品显示的影响卡拉瓦乔荷兰,可能通过他的追随者,流派的cheats-as场景算命的——战斗乞丐显然来自荷兰Caravaggisti fellow-Lorrainer可能也,雅克Bellange这些据信日期从相对在他职业生涯的早期。

洛杉矶之旅最出名的是夜间光线的影响,他比他的艺术前辈做了进一步的开发,和转移他们的使用在荷兰的绘画题材Caravaggisti宗教绘画在他。卡拉瓦乔他的宗教绘画缺乏戏剧性的效果。他画这些在第二个阶段,他的格,也许从1640年代开始,使用明暗对比的,仔细的几何构图,和非常简化的绘画形式。他的工作在他的职业生涯走向更大的简单性和stillness-taking从卡拉瓦乔非常不同的质量比Jusepe de Ribera和他的Tenebrist追随者。



English Introduction

Personal life

Georges de La Tour was born in the town of Vic-sur-Seille in the Diocese of Metz, which was technically part of the Holy Roman Empire, but had been ruled by France since 1552. Baptism documentation revealed that he was the son of Jean de La Tour, a baker, and Sybille de La Tour, née Molian. It has been suggested that Sybille came from a partly noble family.[1] His parents had seven children in all, with Georges being the second-born.

La Tour's educational background remains somewhat unclear, but it is assumed that he travelled either to Italy or the Netherlands early in his career. He may possibly have trained underJacques Bellange in Nancy, the capital of Lorraine, although their styles are very different. His paintings reflect the Baroque naturalism of Caravaggio, but this probably reached him through the Dutch Caravaggisti of the Utrecht School and other Northern (French and Dutch) contemporaries. In particular, La Tour is often compared to the Dutch painter Hendrick Terbrugghen

In 1617 he married Diane Le Nerf, from a minor noble family, and in 1620 he established his studio in her quiet provincial home-town of Lunéville, part of the independent Duchy of Lorrainewhich was occupied by France, during his lifetime, in the period 1641-48. He painted mainly religious and some genre scenes. He was given the title "Painter to the King" (of France) in 1638, and he also worked for the Dukes of Lorraine in 1623–4, but the local bourgeoisie provided his main market, and he achieved a certain affluence. He is not recorded in Lunéville in 1639–42, and may have travelled again; Anthony Bluntdetected the influence of Gerrit van Honthorst in his paintings after this point. He was involved in a Franciscan-led religious revival in Lorraine, and over the course of his career he moved to painting almost entirely religious subjects, but in treatments with influence from genre painting.[2]

Georges de La Tour and his family died in 1652 in an epidemic in Lunéville. His son Étienne (born 1621) was his pupil.


La Tour's early work shows influences from Caravaggio, probably via his Dutch followers, and the genre scenes of cheats—as in The Fortune Teller —and fighting beggars clearly derive from the Dutch Caravaggisti, and probably also his fellow-Lorrainer, Jacques Bellange. These are believed to date from relatively early in his career.

La Tour is best known for the nocturnal light effects which he developed much further than his artistic predecessors had done, and transferred their use in the genre subjects in the paintings of the Dutch Caravaggisti to religious painting in his. Unlike Caravaggio his religious paintings lack dramatic effects. He painted these in a second phase of his style, perhaps beginning in the 1640s, using chiaroscuro, careful geometrical compositions, and very simplified painting of forms. His work moves during his career towards greater simplicity and stillness—taking from Caravaggio very different qualities than Jusepe de Ribera and his Tenebrist followers did.

He often painted several variations on the same subjects, and his surviving output is relatively small. His son Étienne was his pupil, and distinguishing between their work in versions of La Tour's compositions is difficult. The version of the Education of the Virgin, in the Frick Collection in New York is an example, as the Museum itself admits. Another group of paintings (example left), of great skill but claimed to be different in style to those of La Tour, have been attributed to an unknown "Hurdy-gurdy Master". All show older male figures (one group in Malibu includes a female), mostly solitary, either beggars or saints.

After his death at Lunéville in 1652, La Tour's work was forgotten until rediscovered by Hermann Voss, a German scholar, in 1915; some of La Tour's work had in fact been confused with Vermeer, when the Dutch artist underwent his own rediscovery in the nineteenth century. In 1935 an exhibition in Paris began the revival in interest among a wider public. In the twentieth century a number of his works were identified once more, and forgers tried to help meet the new demand; many aspects of his œuvre remain controversial among art historians. 






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