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( 抽象派运动早期领袖之一 )

 美国抽象派画家马克·罗斯科(Mark Rothko,1903—1970)生于俄国,十岁时移居美国,曾在纽约艺术学生联合学院学习,师从于马克斯·韦伯。他最初的艺术是现实主义的,后尝试过表现主义、超现实主义的方法。以后,他逐渐抛弃具体的形式,于40年代末形成了自己完全抽象的色域绘画风格

  • 中文名马克·罗斯科
  • 外文名Mark Rothko
  • 性别
  • 国籍美国
  • 出生地俄国
  • 出生日期1903年
  • 逝世日期1970年
  • 职业抽象派画家
  • 毕业院校纽约艺术学生联合学院
  • 主要成就抽象派运动早期领袖之一
  • 代表作品《红色中的赭色和红色》《绿色和栗色》

中国美术网 09-05 浏览

苏富比宣布,将在5月12日的当代艺术夜间拍卖会上 上拍马克罗斯科的重要作品《无题(黄和蓝)》,估价达4000-6000万美元。该作创作于1954年,这一年罗斯科...




其艺术理想,书中所批判的流行主义、物质主义也正是导致先锋艺术溃败的致命根源。正如分析哲学家阿瑟·丹托(Arthur C.Danto)在《艺术的终结》所论断的那样,我们已经进入一个后历史的艺术时期,对艺术不断自我革命的需求已经消失。后历史的艺术氛围会让艺术转向人性的目的。当代艺术进入一个更稳定、更幸福的艺术努力时期,在这个时期。艺术永远对之回应的那些基本需要或许会再次相聚。可以说,马克·罗斯科的艺术哲学思想“回应”的“基本需要”,也正是艺术永恒而充满悲剧性的精神所在。




例如,2007年9月,苏富比拍卖行当地时间15日晚于纽约举行的名画拍卖会上,拍卖45幅价值连城的印象派、现代派和当代名家画作。马克·罗斯科 (Mark Rothko)一幅画作《白色中心——玫瑰红上的黄色、粉红及淡紫》受到热捧。行内人士先前已经估计,罗斯科于1950年创作的这幅作品,能够取得4000万美元的成交价;但它在各方竞相出价竞逐之下,最终以 7280万美元的价格成交。据数据统计,1998年至2007年,马克·罗斯科作品流拍率仅为9%,其稳定的市场状况同时也见证了战后和当代艺术板块的快速发展。1966年,马克·罗斯科作品《红色22号》售价为1.55万美元,20年后其相似作品便已经开始突破百万美元大关。如此快速的价格飙升,在1999年后表现更加明显,以高价作品为例:1999年其作品《北方15度:黄色和红色》首次突破千万美元大关,9年之后类似的作品《No.15》便已经达到了5044.1万美元。2007年5月15日的香港苏富比春拍上,马克·罗斯科的作品《白色中心》更是创下了其作品目前最高价格——7284万美元。这一成绩也创造了2007年战后和当代艺术家作品价格的最高纪录。




















马克·罗斯科的作品一般是由两三个排列着的矩形构成。这些矩形色彩微妙,边缘模糊不清。它们漂浮在整片的彩色底子上,营造出连绵不断的、模棱两可的效果。颜料是被稀释了的,很薄,半透明,相互笼罩和晕染,使得明与暗、灰与亮、冷与暖融为一体,产生某种幻觉的神秘之感。这种形与色的相互关系,象征了一切事物存在的状态,体现了人的感情的行为方式。画家借助于它到达了事物的核心。罗斯科的画往往尺幅很大,这是为了能让人置身于体验之中。他在,1951年这样说,“我认识到历史上创作大型绘画的功能可能是为了描绘一些宏伟豪华的事物。然而,我之所以画它们的原因——我想它也适用于其他我所认识的画家——正是因为我想变得极为友好亲切而又富有人性。画小幅绘画是把你自己置于体验之外,把体验作为一种投影放大器的景象或戴上缩小镜而加以考察。然而画较大的绘画时,你则是置身其中。它就不再是某种你所能指挥的事物了。”1958年,他又说,“我画大幅画,因为我要创造一种亲切的气氛。一幅大画是一种直接的交流,它把你带进画中。” [2]  马克·罗斯科要求其作品挂得足够地高,并配以足够昏暗的光线和冥想的氛围,以便让人完全沉浸其中。当然,这种要求基本上得不到满足。




在他的画面上我们看到的是有边缘的几何形体,但感觉到的却是由微妙色彩对比所辐射出的情绪,他是在通过几何本身来挣脱几何的控制,如同每个人都是在自己的命运中摆脱命运。在他成熟期的绘画作品中,经常可以见到两三个色彩明亮、边缘柔和、微微发光的矩形色块,它们毫无重量感地排列在一起,如同一种自由的思想漂浮于画布上空。简练、单纯,但却磁力般地将人深深吸引,马克·罗斯科在绘画中注入了强烈的精神成分, 以一种让人萦绕心头而不能忘怀的朴素闻名,欣赏马克·罗斯科的作品会让人感觉置身于他所营造的精神空间而不是陈列其作品的现实空间里,马克·罗斯科独特的风格奠定了他抽象表现主义艺术宗师的地位,在美国起著承先启後的作用,影响了後世不少的建筑与平面设计师。

马克·罗斯科可说是自学成才,罗斯科对哲学和心理学有浓厚兴趣。这喜好启发他阅读大量有关神话和精神分析的书籍,加上一生热衷戏剧和音乐,皆为他带来不少创作灵感。他对“57大街的艺术家们极其藐视,他认为这些人只理解艺术的金钱价值。然而病痛和绝望时的这位艺术家于1970年在曼哈顿的工作室自杀时,却也引发了20世纪最轰动的艺术丑闻案。他的经纪人劳埃德在三个月的时间里, 以远低于市场价获得了马克. 罗斯科遗产中的800多幅画。后来经纪人成了被告,开始了艺术史上时间最长,耗资最大的法律斗争,经历了4年的诉讼和8个月的刑事审判。被告最终赔偿了920万美金的罚款, 外加200小时社会服务处罚。遗产被重新分配,其中约一半给了马克。罗思科的两个孩子。这事件充分暴露了优雅而体面的艺术交易领域中的黑幕。

马克·罗斯科早年受希腊神话、原始艺术和宗教悲剧等传统题材对描绘人类深层的情感元素所吸引,复又受胡安·米罗 (1893-1983) 及安德烈·马松 (1896-1987) 等超现实主义画家的创作手法所影响,使他创作出带有超现实主义色彩的作品。1947年以后,他趋向以更纯粹的形式和技巧去创作。到了1950年他已完全抛开了具体形象,这时期的代表作品,常见巨大的彩色方块,配以朦胧柔和的边缘,简洁单纯地悬浮在画布上,找不到有深度的空间,而这种很浅的空间忽远忽近,不可捉摸。色彩之间的相互关系因为长方形空间而起作用,造成一种温和而又有节奏的脉动感,不清晰的交界处隐隐地藏住很多耐人寻味的东西。以此唤起人类潜藏的热情、恐惧、悲哀、以及对永恒和神秘的追求。他旨在超越一切理智跟感官认知,追寻人生的终极哲学—赤裸又神圣的宗教体验与感情。

马克·罗斯科已将绘画减化至体积、色调与色彩,很多他的绘画的尺幅都很大,当中不少画作的高度约达10呎,阔度有时达至15呎,适合在公共场所摆设。以巨大颜色方块画作而闻名于世的罗斯科,后期画作(1958年以后) 由经常喜用大红、大橙、大蓝、大绿等斑斓色彩,转而使用深红、褐紫红、啡和黑色等较深沉的颜色。他的经典作品大多以两至四个长形方块为主体,方块以垂直形式排列在色彩鲜艳的底色之上,有些配以朦胧色块。罗斯科的抽象画全创作于其人生最后二十年。






 有艺评者认为他运用大量纯净的色彩表达无形的思想, 作品总蕴含着一种或淡或浓的沉郁,营造出或朴素或诗意,以至充满戏剧性的气氛和效果。


Introduction in English

 The status and evaluation of the Abstract Expressionist painters Pollock, De Kooning and Newman seem to be only a foil role, and only a few painters engaged in abstract art in China regard him as a master. However, according to the research data, Greenberg, a famous American critic, introduced modernist art representing American native style in the way of common name criticism, which was not fully recognized in Roscoe's discourse and was always doubtful of the authenticity of the naming. Although he shared fame and benefits in his lifetime. The definition of the art movement is often presupposed and vague, and it can not exactly show the most profound artists in the movement, even if it successfully interprets others.


Strictly speaking, the establishment of Mark Roscoe's master status was after the 1990s. It can be said that two writing events had a decisive impact. One was Jemese B. Breslin's Biography of Roscoe (1993), a nearly 600-page biography with detailed personal data, survey interviews and interviews. The critical narrative shows Roscoe's art and life; shows the complex tension, contradiction and conflict in his liberal personality; explains the social, historical and cultural power of his life and the form of his works; shows how life affects his works and how works affect his life; and provides a kind of artistic circle with a new way. The highly professional panoramic interpretation of Roscoe's works surpasses Roscoe's rebellious and self-destructive symbol of genius. The second is Roscoe's theoretical work Art Philosophy: The Truth of Artists, which was published at Yale University in 2004. His son Christopher Mark Roscoe emphasized in the preface that it was not a guide to Mark Roscoe's works. However, this book can undoubtedly serve as the key to the mystery of Roscoe's art. This is because Roscoe completely stopped painting in the Surrealist style in 1940 and 1941 before the turn of abstraction. He devoted himself to mythology, philosophy and literature, and continued his theoretical writing, although this book was not. His own creative ideas and specific explanations of the meaning of his works, but it profoundly predicts.


Its artistic ideal, the populism and materialism criticized in the book are also the fatal root of the collapse of avant-garde art. As the analytic philosopher Arthur C. Danto concluded in The End of Art, we have entered a post-historical period of art, and the need for continuous self-revolution of art has disappeared. The artistic atmosphere of post-history will make art turn to the purpose of human nature. Contemporary art has entered a more stable and happy period of artistic efforts, in this period. The basic needs that art always responds to may come together again. It can be said that Mark Roscoe's philosophy of art "responds to" the "basic needs", which is also the eternal and tragic spirit of art.


The art market has never been a positive frame of reference, but its exogenous practice proves that it thrives because of the illusion of novelty, and that capitalism is essentially nihility and greed. It needs to constantly transform the symbolic capital of avant-garde art into monetary capital. The goal is not other, but to continue the capital cyclically. Ben's myth.

For example, in September 2007, Sotheby's auction house auctioned 45 valuable paintings by impressionists, modernists and contemporary masters at a famous painting auction held late in New York on the 15th local time. Mark Rothko's painting "White Center: Yellow, Pink and Lavender on Rose Red" has been popular. Insiders had previously estimated that Roscoe's work, created in 1950, would fetch $40 million, but it was eventually sold for $72.8 million after competing bids. According to the statistics, from 1998 to 2007, the flow rate of Mark Roscoe's works was only 9%. Its stable market situation also witnessed the rapid development of post-war and contemporary art. In 1966, Mark Roscoe's work Red 22 sold for $15.5 million. Twenty years later, similar works began to break through the $1 million mark. Such a rapid price surge has become even more evident since 1999. Take high-priced works as an example: in 1999, his work "Northern 15 degrees: yellow and red" broke through the $10 million mark for the first time, and nine years later, similar works "No. 15" reached $504.41 million. On May 15, 2007, Sotheby's Spring Shot in Hong Kong, Mark Roscoe's work "White Center" has set the highest price of his work - 72.84 million US dollars. This achievement also set the highest price record for postwar and contemporary artists'works in 2007.


"When I was young, art was a lonely road. There was no gallery, no collector, no critic, no money. But it was a golden age, because we all had nothing, but we could pursue our ideals more recklessly. Today's situation is different. It's an age of redundancy, stupidity and consumption. I'm afraid I'm not qualified to comment on which situation is better for the world. But I know that many people live this kind of life involuntarily, and there is an urgent need for a quiet space for us to take root and grow. We have to live with the hope we can find." This was Roscoe's indignant talk to visitors in his studio in 1955, "I can show my paintings in a hundred places. But I can't make any money. I can give a speech. But they don't pay for the speech. Someone wrote about me. My works are on display everywhere. I can't earn 1,300 yuan a year. It can be seen that Mark Roscoe's great reputation and wealth won after his death are in sharp contrast to his previous hardship, anxiety and struggle. Just like Van Gogh, they only had the freedom to starve to death during their lifetime and adhered to the freedom of artistic conscience. This tragic spirit chose artists with saintly qualities. It is not fate at all, but God's justice and grace. Ignorance is not a condition of genius. Genius is given by God, concepts are invented, paradigms are established, martyrdom for the future, and faith in heaven and earth are revealed. This may be far from materialism and realism, but it has become a complex and profound ideological proposition of Roscoe's philosophy of art: how do artists choose and pursue their own truth? What is the authenticity of art? Where are artists'consciences and responsibilities rooted? Mark Roscoe writes in this book: "The difference between the fate of artists in the past and that of artists in the past is precisely that we have the right to choose. This is because choice reflects whether a person is responsible for his conscience. For the conscience of artists, the most important thing is the authenticity of art." This passage can be regarded as a concise index of his obscure philosophy of art.


However, to truly understand Mark Roscoe's philosophy of art, it is necessary to first understand his life, and then to interpret his works, especially after the abstract transformation in the 1950s. Of course, there is also a ready-made key, which is the preface written by Christopher, the son of Roscoe. He not only describes in detail the 34 years he and his family spent searching for the complete manuscript and editing process of the book, but also makes a credible interpretation and analysis of the content of the book as an expert of the Art Museum. Dual faithful biography and theoretical writing are very necessary and valuable. Now let's go from Mark Roscoe's life and creation to his philosophy of art.

On September 25, 1903, Mark Roscoe was born in a Jewish family in Devinsk, Vitebsk, Russia. He was the youngest of four children and spent his childhood in a strong Jewish cultural and religious environment. The family moved to Oregon in 1913. Soon after, Mark had to sell newspapers to make money to subsidize his tuition fees when his father, who had started his business in the United States, died. At the age of 21, he was awarded a scholarship to Yale University. His scholarship was cancelled six months later because of anti-Semitism. So he had to work in his cousin's restaurant while studying. In his third year of college, he suddenly dropped out of school and went to a clothing factory in New York to work as a tailor. The following year he joined the Student Association of New York University of Fine Arts to study fine arts. He also worked as a supporting actor, stage background painter and lighting technician in the theatre on Broadway.


In 1929, he worked as a part-time teacher at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Brooklyn, New York, and began his 30-year teaching career. In the same year, his paintings were exhibited for the first time in Opportunity Gallery. When she got married in the early 1930s, her wife, Edith, succeeded commercially in designing jewelry, but she despised his painter friends and criticized their works roughly. Roscoe's disdain for popular culture and practical art has thus been planted.


Several solo exhibitions were held in 1933, funded by the Federal Arts Program of the United States Government, and employed by the Government at a wage of $23.5 per week. During this period, I met Asier Gorky, De Cunning and Jackson Pollock, who later became famous abstract expressionist painters. In 1935, he became one of the founders of the group of ten expressionist painters. Mark Roscoe's 1930s works, such as Landscape, Sitting Man, Street View and Lady Sitting Cross-legged, have subtle colors, concise composition, deliberate deformation and exaggeration in shape, dreamlike city scenery and surrealist style.


He joined the United States in 1938. During this period, the style of his works began to change, and the characters in Underground Rhapsody (1940) were symbolized, which was a preview to abstractism. Since then, the expression of "sadness of life" has become the main theme of the painting. It is believed that only by using fragmented and twisted shapes can it be expressed, showing an abstract appearance of "organic" graphics. Such as Untitled in 1940, Waterplay and Source, etc.


During World War II, Roscoe divorced Edith and soon married Mary Alice, a 23-year-old illustrator of children's books. In 1945, the first important individual painting exhibition was held at Guggenheim Museum of Art, which was well received by critics. Roscoe's painting style has been constantly changing, until 1947, mature pure abstract style began to appear. Since 1949, he has abandoned his existing modeling habits and painted some large rectangular works with simple pictures, overlapping colors and blurred edges.


Although Roque Roscoe's reputation grew rapidly, he was still very poor. To support his family, he went to Brooklyn College as a full-time art teacher in 1950. He resigned in 1954 because of discord with his colleagues. He is stubborn by nature and has a rigid attitude towards life. In 1952, Whitney Museum wanted to buy two of his paintings. He not only refused to sell them, but also called this important art museum a "junk shop". In the same year, at the invitation of the Museum of Modern Art, he participated in the exhibition of "15 American Painters". When he came to the exhibition, the paintings he sent were totally different from those he had previously agreed upon, which made the art director of the Museum very angry.


At the same time, his relationship with Pollock and Newman was very tense. He claimed that he had taught Newman how to draw, thus damaging their friendship.

In the 1950s, Mark Roscoe's reputation rose steadily and his economic situation improved greatly. In 1958, he was selected as the representative of the United States at the Venice International Exposition and owns a studio in Provence, Massachusetts, where artists live. At this time, his depression burst out, becoming more and more nervous and depressed. He needs to concentrate on all the things he can do to paint the huge works that seem calm and quiet. For him, the process of painting was similar to religious rituals. He kept the painting process a secret and never showed up until his work was finished. He often stays up all night, working from 5 p.m. to 10 a.m. the next day. When he painted under the intense light of the theatre stage, he arranged the light dimmer, so that his strong large color blocks emerged from the environment, as if suspended in the air, causing a strong shock. In 1961, Mark Roscoe held a solo exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, reaching the pinnacle of his artistic career. Collectors, brokers, critics flocked to the scene, and even President Kennedy came to the audience with three points of respect.


Since then, the rise of pop art has challenged Abstract expressionism, and with the growing tension of marriage, Mark Roscoe's mood deteriorated and began to drink heavily, seriously damaging his nerves and health. On New Year's Day, 1969, Mark Roscoe left home and moved to his studio, where he spent a whole year drawing the last batch of works. The cynical and recalcitrant Roscoe had few relatives and friends. He was surrounded by his friends and wife, Mel, who had lived with him for 20 years in the arts, and friends died one by one. In 1948, Gorky, a friend who had lived with him for 20 years, committed suicide; in May 1953, Tomlin, 54, went to Pollock's home on Long Island for a party, went home the next day and died of a heart attack; in August 1956, Pollock, 42, drove an Ozmobil convertible into an accident. In 1962, Klein died of heart disease in Paris at the age of 34; in 1963, Baziotes at the age of 51; in 1965, David Smith died of a car accident; and on February 25, 1970, he cut the blood vessels and nerves of his wrist with a razor and killed himself by suicide. However, when the artist committed suicide in his Manhattan studio during his illness and despair, it also triggered one of the most sensational art scandals of the 20th century. In three months, his agent, Lloyd, won more than 800 paintings from Mark Roscoe's legacy at a much lower market price. Later, the broker became the defendant and began the longest and most costly legal struggle in the history of art, experiencing four years of litigation and eight months of criminal trial. The defendant eventually paid a fine of $9.2 million plus a 200-hour social service penalty. The estate was redistributed, about half of which went to Mark Roscoe's two children. This incident fully exposed the dark curtain in the field of elegant and decent art trade. This is one of Christopher's most disgusting and heartbreaking lawsuits mentioned in his preface.







人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对