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让.巴蒂斯特.乌德里Jean-Baptiste Oudry

让.巴蒂斯特.乌德里Jean-Baptiste Oudry(1686年3月17日——1755年4月30日),法国画家。让-巴蒂斯特OUDRY出生在巴黎,雅克OUDRY,画家和儿子的艺术品经销商,和他的妻子妮可巴比,的雕刻相让-巴蒂斯特米歇尔巴比。

  • 中文名让.巴蒂斯特.乌德里
  • 外文名Jean-Baptiste Oudry
  • 性别
  • 国籍法国
  • 出生地巴黎
  • 出生日期1686年3月17日
  • 逝世日期1755年4月30日
  • 职业画家


他的父亲是一个导演的Académie德圣-吕克 艺术学校,这OUDRY加盟。起初,OUDRY集中写照,他成为了学生,也许是合作者尼古拉斯·德Largillière从1707年到1712年,他1708年毕业于月只有22周岁,21日,在同一时间,他的两个哥哥。接下来的一年,他娶了玛丽-玛格丽特Froissé,[2]一个女儿miroitier(镜子制造商)的人,他给了教训绘画。

OUDRY 7月1日1717年成为了德的Académie圣-吕克1714年的助理教授,教授他被引导为久负盛名的一员法兰西皇家PEINTURE和de雕塑于1719年,并于1743年出现聘为教授。生产主要肖像后,OUDRY开始生产静物水果或动物的绘画作品,以及宗教题材,如绘画诞生,圣贾尔斯和朝拜的贤士。



M. Hultz,一个顾问的Académie德PEINTURE,委托OUDRY产生自助餐,或静物相结合的银盘子和埃韦斯,水果和游戏; 作品在展出的1737沙龙。OUDRY怯生生地问十pistoles为他的工作,但Hultz看重它高得多,坚持支付25。OUDRY还委托制作自助餐为路易十五(在1743年沙龙展出),即去了城堡舒瓦西,国王的青睐狩猎居住。

Hultz建议OUDRY路易斯Fagon(1680年至1744年),一个区长DES财政和书籍收藏家,[6]和OUDRY装饰他在房子里旺夫和丰特奈-玫瑰与花纹,花鸟。Fagon被控复兴的挂毯厂的命运博韦,这已经在蓬勃发展科尔伯特,他给任务OUDRY和他的同事,Besnier,在1734年成功OUDRY在他的任务,成为富裕的过程中。他在博韦的成功导致进一步被任命为督察的戈布兰厂在1736年,他的作品被复制卡通的挂毯。通过大多数1730年代,他主要集中在生产挂毯的设计,特别是九Chasses Royales戈布兰系列(1733年至1746年),第一编织的贡比涅城堡(在贡比涅团聚),其漫画,后来变成陷害在boiseries在室内装饰的查理十世在枫丹白露,1828

English Introduction

Jean Baptiste OUDRY was born in Paris, Jacques OUDRY, son of the painter and art dealer, and his wife Nikebabi, [1] had been carved Baptiste Michel Bobby.
His father is Acad Mie de - a director of the Luc School of art, the OUDRY join. At first, OUDRY concentrated portrayal, he became a student, perhaps collaborators Nicholas de Largilli re from 1707 to 1712, he graduated in 1708 from the month only 22 years of age, 21, at the same time, his two brothers. The following year, he married Marie - Froiss, a daughter of [2], a miroitier (mirror maker), who gave a lesson to drawing.
In July 1st 1717 OUDRY became the assistant professor Acad Mie of St. Luc de 1714, professor he was inducted as a member of the prestigious French royal PEINTURE and de sculpture in 1719, and appointed professor in 1743. The main production after OUDRY began production of portrait, still life of fruit or animal paintings, and religious themes, such as painting the birth of Saint Giles and the worship of the Magi.
OUDRY in 1720s by Noel Antoine de M Rou, director of the Royal Beauvais tapestry factory to create a design that has become one of the most representative series of tapestries during the operation. This series is called the pastoral entertainment company, Champ entertainment company of tres or rice.
By his friend, Jean Baptiste collective, a portrait painter and miniaturist, OUDRY introduced the Marquess of Beringhen, the Royal stables hereditary master, [3], he painted a painting in 1727, [4] in the way of a suite of Flemish landscape. Through this connection, he was appointed, his reputation, the picture of Louis fifteen hunting deer Saint Germain forest (1730, now in Toulouse). Subsequently, he was appointed as the king of production, who was keen on hunting, and appointed OUDRY painter, in the ordinary royal hunting, many of the work of [5] in his ability to produce a dead game, the day of the murder of the portrait. OUDRY was awarded a seminar on the Tuileries, and an apartment in Le Louvre museum.
M. Hultz, a consultant with Acad Mie de PEINTURE, commissioned OUDRY to produce a buffet, or a still life combination of silver plate and Ewers, fruit and game works on display at the 1737 salon. OUDRY asked timidly ten pistoles for his work, but Hultz value it is much higher, to pay 25. OUDRY also commissioned a buffet for Louis fifteen (exhibited in the salon of 1743), went to the king's Castle Choisy, favored hunting live.
Hultz OUDRY Lewis Fagon (1680 to 1744), a mayor of DES finance and book collector, [6] and OUDRY in house decoration he Rivanv and Fontenay aux roses and patterns, flowers and birds. Fagon is charged with the revival of the fate of Beauvais tapestry factory, which has been booming in the development of Colbert, he gave the task OUDRY and his colleague, Besnier OUDRY, in 1734 succeeded in his task, become rich in the process. He leads to further the success of Beauvais was appointed inspector of the Gobelins factory in 1736, his works were copied cartoon tapestries. Through most of 1730s, he mainly focused on the design and production of tapestry, especially the nine Chasses Royales series (1733 to 1746) the Gobelins, first weaving Compiegne Castle (reunion in Compiegne), the comic became framed in the boiseries in interior decoration of the Charlie ten in Fontainebleau, 1828






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