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提香·韦切利奥,又译提齐安诺·维伽略( Tiziano Vecelli或Tiziano Vecellio,约 1488/1490年– 1576年8月27日),英语系国家常称呼为提香(Titian),他是意大利文艺复兴后期威尼斯画派的代表画家。



  • 中文名提香·韦切利奥
  • 性别
  • 国籍意大利
  • 出生日期1488/1490
  • 逝世日期1576
  • 职业画家

Titian花了两年时间(1516–1518)来完成他的 圣母升天 ,其动态三层构图和色彩方案奠定了他在北罗马最卓越的画家。Titian确切的出生日期是不确定的。当他一个老人,他声称在信 菲利普二世,西班牙国王 ,都出生在1474,但这似乎是最不可能的。  其他的当代作家,晚年给数字,等同于1473和1482之间的生日后。  大多数现代学者认为日期接近1490更可能; 这个 大都会艺术博物馆 的时间线支持c.1488,一样 研究中心 ,虽然他的死亡年龄99已经接受到第二十世纪。

他是Gregorio Vecelli和他的妻子露西亚的儿子。他的父亲是Pieve di Cadore的城堡总管和地方煤矿管理者。格雷戈里奥也是一个杰出的议员和士兵。很多亲戚,包括提香的祖父,是 公证员 ,和四的家庭是建立在区域,它被威尼斯统治。

在十到十二岁的他和他的兄弟弗朗西斯科(也许后来)被送到一个叔叔在威尼斯找一个学徒画家。小画家Sebastian Zuccato,其子出名 mosaicists ,谁可能是一个家族的朋友,安排老人进入工作室的兄弟 真蒂莱·贝利尼 从这以后,他们转移到他的兄弟 乔凡尼·贝利尼 。当时所,特别是乔凡尼,在市领导的艺术家。Titian发现了一组关于自己年龄的年轻人,其中乔凡尼帕尔马大serinalta, 洛伦佐·洛托 , 塞巴斯蒂安卢西恩 和乔治的会议,nicknamed 乔尔乔内弗朗西斯韦切利奥 ,他的哥哥,后来成为威尼斯画家的一些注意事项。

 一个男人与一个绗缝套 ,早期的画像,公元1509, 国家画廊 ,伦敦。一 壁画 属于 大力士 上 西尼 宫据说是Titian最早的作品之一。他人是贝利尼式的所谓 吉普赛圣母 在维也纳,和 玛丽和伊丽莎白探视 (从S. Andrea修道院),现在在 学院 ,威尼斯。

一个男人与一个绗缝套 是一个早期的肖像,画在1509和描述的 瓦萨里 1568。学者认为它描绘 阿里奥斯托 ,但现在认为这是 Gerolamo Barbarigo 。  伦勃朗 借了他的自画像组成。

Titian加入了乔尔乔内的助理,但许多当代评论家已经找到他的工作更令人印象深刻,例如在外墙壁画(现在几乎完全摧毁了),他们的 fondaco德国人 (为德国商人国家仓库)。他们的关系显然包含了竞争的一个重要因素。区分他们的工作在这一时期仍然是一个学术争议的话题。大量的工作已经从Giorgione搬到了Titian在第二十世纪,小流量的其他方式。一个已知的最早的Titian的作品, 背负十字架的基督 在 伟大的圣罗科学院 ,描绘 “Ecce Homo” 场景,regarded as by乔尔乔内是龙。

 在一顶红色的帽子,Titian一个人的肖像,公元1510两个年轻的大师们也认为他们的新学校的领导人 Arte Moderna ,具有绘画更灵活,摆脱了对称和僧侣惯例仍然在乔凡尼贝利尼作品中发现的遗迹。

在1507–1508乔尔乔内是委托创造了frescoes by the to on the erected fondaco德国国王。titian布尔 大雷了 与他一起工作,和画一些碎片依然存在,可能是由乔尔乔内。他们的一些工作是已知的,部分,通过版画 丰塔纳 。乔尔乔内的早期死亡1510后,Titian继续一段时间giorgionesque科目油漆,虽然他的风格形成了自己的特色,包括大胆和富有表现力的笔触。

 Salome与John the Baptist的头 1515年,(C)。 pamphilj Doria画廊 罗马),或 朱迪思 ;这个宗教工作也是一个理想化的一个美女写真,风格由Titian,据说经常使用百叶 妓女 作为模型。Titian的才华在壁画是在那些他画1511所示 帕多瓦 在 利 教会在 Scuola Del Santo ,其中一些被保存了下来,其中 在金门会议 ,和三个场景( 圣安东尼的奇迹 )从圣的生活 Padua的安东尼 嫉妒的丈夫,的奇迹,描绘 一个年轻女子的丈夫谋杀 ,一个孩子的母亲的清白作证 ,和 圣疗愈与下肢骨折的年轻人 。

1512提香从威尼斯回到Padua;1513年他获得了经纪人的专利,称为 La sanseria 或 senseria (一种特权梦寐以求的上升或上升的艺术家),在Fondaco dei Tedeschi。他成了政府工作的监督,特别是负责完成未完成的乔凡尼贝利尼在大会议厅的画 公爵宫 。他成立了一个工作室在 大运河 在美国萨缪埃利,精确的站点现在未知。直到1516,乔凡尼贝利尼死后,他来到他的专利实际享受。同时他进入绘画独家安排。专利取得了他一个很好的年金20冠免服某些税。作为回报他会画连续的肖像 总督 他的时间在固定价格八克朗每。他画的实际数量为五。


在这一时期(1516–1530),这可能是他的所谓的掌握和成熟期,从他早期的艺术家 giorgionesque 风格,承担了更大,更复杂的对象,并首次尝试一个不朽的风格。乔尔乔内于1510去世, 乔凡尼·贝利尼 1516,离开Titian无与伦比的威尼斯画派。六十年来他是威尼斯绘画无可争议的主人。在1516,他完成了他的成名作,这 assumption of the Virgin 高坛,for the of the frari光荣的圣玛丽亚教堂 ,它仍在原地。这非凡的一块乡土,很少见过意大利的大规模处决,引起轰动。   这个 执政团 注意,说Titian是在忽略大议会大厅,他的工作,但在1516他接替他的主人乔凡尼贝利尼在参议院领取养老金。 

的图案结构 假设 即在相同组成的两个或三个场景的叠加,不同层次上的统一,天地、时空的无限持续的一系列的作品,如圣多梅尼科的祭坛上 安科纳 (1520年),《retable大学 布雷西亚 retable(1522),and the of San Nicholas(1523),the 梵谛冈博物馆 ,每次达到一个更高、更完善的构想。他终于达到了一个经典的公式在 佩萨罗麦当娜 ,更好地称为Madonna di CA佩萨罗(公元1519–1526),也为弗拉里教堂。这也许是他最主要的研究工作,其耐心的开发计划提出的秩序与自由的最高表现,创意和风格。Titian在这里提出了一种新的捐赠者和圣洁的人朝空中空间传统的群体概念、计划和不同程度的设置在一个建筑框架。 

 巴克斯和阿里阿德涅 1520-1523,C.。Titian现在是在他的名声的高度,并向1521,以下为布雷西亚教皇使节一图生产St. Sebastian(其中有许多副本),买家按自己的工作。

更特别的是这一时期的工作, St. Peter Martyr的死亡 ( 1530 ) , formerly 在 Dominican Church of 三zanipolo 1867,和一家奥地利炮弹摧毁了。只有副本和 版画 of this原 巴洛克 画面保持。它结合了极端暴力和景观,主要是由一个巨大的树,压入的场景,似乎强调戏剧的一种方式,期待着巴洛克。 

艺术家同时继续一系列的小 圣母玛利亚 ,他放在美丽的风景,在体裁的照片或诗意的田园诗的方式。这个 处女与兔 ,在 卢浮宫 这些照片,是完成式。同一时期的另一个工作,也在 罗浮宫 是的, 埋葬 。这也是三大著名神话场景的时期 Camerino 属于 阿方索·德斯特 进入 费拉拉 , 的andrians 和 崇拜金星 在 普拉多博物馆 ,和 巴克斯和阿里阿德涅 (1520–23) 伦敦 ,   “也许最辉煌的成果的新异教文化或“亚历山大风格”的 文艺复兴 但是,很多时候模仿甚至从未被超越 鲁本斯 他自己。” 

最后,这是当Titian由半长的数字和年轻女性的萧条时期,可能 妓女 ,如 植物区系 的 乌菲兹美术馆 ,或 带镜子的女人 卢浮宫(The 这幅画的科学图像 是可用的,和解释,在法国和法国博物馆修复研究中心网站)

English is introduced

Titian spent two years (1516 - 1518) to complete his assumption, the three layer dynamic composition and color scheme and laid him in the most outstanding artists in Rome north. Titian exact date of birth is uncertain. When he was an old man, he claimed in the letter of Philip II, king of Spain, were born in 1474, but this seems to be the most unlikely. Other contemporary writers, later in life, give numbers, equivalent to 1473 and 1482 days after birth. Most modern scholars believe that the date is closer to 1490 more likely; the Metropolitan Museum of Art timeline supports c.1488, as the center of the study, although his death age of 99 has been accepted to the 21st century.
He is the son of Gregorio Vecelli and his wife, Lucia. His father is Pieve di Cadore Castle explorer and local coal mine managers. Gregorio is also an outstanding member and soldier. Many relatives, including Titian's grandfather, is a notary public, and four of the family is established in the area, it was ruled by Venice.
Between ten and twelve, he and his brother Francesco (perhaps later) were sent to an uncle in Venice to find an apprentice painter. Small painter Sebastian Zuccato, the famous mosaicists, who is likely to be a friend of the family, arrange the old man into the studio's brother Gentile Bellini, after this, they transferred to his brother Giovanni Bellini. At that time, especially Giovanni, the city's leading artists. Titian found a group of young people about their age, including Giovanni, serinalta of Parma,, Lorenzo, and the meeting of the president of the United States, and the meeting of the, nicknamed,, and. Francisco Vecellio, his brother, later became a painter of Venice.
A man with a quilt set, early in 1509, the National Portrait Gallery, london. A mural on the Sydney house belongs to Hercules is said to be one of the earliest works of Titian. Another is the so-called Bellini Gypsy Madonna in Vienna, and Marie and Elizabeth visit (from the S. Andrea monastery), now in college, Venice.
A man with a set of quilting is an early portrait, painted in 1509 and 1568 described by vasari. Scholars think it depicts Ariosto, but now think it is Gerolamo Barbarigo. Rembrandt borrowed his self portrait.
Titian joined Giorgio Hei's assistant, but many contemporary critics have found his work more impressive, such as wall murals (now almost completely destroyed), their fondaco (German for German businessman national warehouse). Their relationship is clearly an important factor in competition. The distinction between their work during this period is still a subject of academic debate. A lot of work has been moved from Giorgione to Titian in the twentieth century, other ways of small traffic. One of the earliest known works of Titian, bearing the cross of Christ in the Great St Rocco Institute, depicting the "Ecce Homo" scene, regarded as by Giorgio Hei is the dragon.
In a red hat, a personal portrait of Titian, ad 1510, two young masters also think their new school leaders Arte Moderna, painting has more flexible, get rid of the remains of symmetry and the practices of monks found still in Giovanni Bellini's works.
At 1507 - 1508 Giorgio Hei was commissioned to create the frescoes by to on the erected German King of fondaco the. The big Titian Boolean working with him, and draw some pieces still exist, probably by Giorgio Hei. Some of their work is known, in part, by printmaking Fontana. After Giorgio Hei's early death 1510, Titian continued to paint for a while Giorgionesque subjects, although his style formed its own features, including bold and expressive strokes.
Salome head with John the 1515, (C) Baptist. Pamphilj Doria Gallery in Rome, or Judith; this religious work is also an idealized portrait of a beauty, styled by Titian, which is often used as a model for Venetian prostitutes. Titian is among those talents in the murals he painted 1511 shown in Padova in a church in Scuola Del Santo, some of which have been preserved in the Golden Gate conference, and three scenes (Anthony miracle) jealousy from the life of the Saint Anthony of Padua's husband, a miracle, depicting a young woman's husband the murder of a child, the mother's innocence, and the healing and lower limb fracture of young people.
1512 Titian returned to Padua from Venice; he received a patent agent in 1513, known as La sanseria or senseria (a privilege to dream of rising or rising artists), in Fondaco Dei Tedeschi. He became a supervision of government work, especially for the unfinished Giovanni Bellini conference hall of paintings in the Ducal palace. He set up a studio in the Grande Canale in the United States samuelly, the exact site is unknown. Until 1516, after the death of Giovanni Bellini, he came to the actual enjoyment of his patent. At the same time he entered the exclusive arrangement of painting. The patent has made him a good pension tax exempt from some 20 crown. In return he would paint a portrait of the governor of his time at a fixed price of eight kroner per. He painted the actual number of five.During this period (1516 - 1530), this may be his so-called master and mature period, from his early style artist Giorgionesque, bear a larger and more complex objects, and try an immortal style for the first time. Giorgio Hei died in 1510, Giovanni Bellini 1516, Titian left the incomparable painting of Venice. For sixty years he was the undisputed master of painting in Venice. In 1516, he completed his famous work, the assumption of the Virgin for the of the high altar, frari glorious church of Santa Maria, it is still in place. This extraordinary piece of native land, rarely seen in the mass executions in Italy, causing a sensation.  the ruling group noted that Titian was ignoring his work in the Great Hall of Parliament, but in 1516 he replaced his master, Giovanni, in the Senate to receive a pension.  
The pattern structure superimposed on the assumption that two or three scenes of the same composition, the unity of different levels, heaven and earth, the infinite space time continued a series of works, such as the San Domenico altar of Ancona (1520), "retable retable of the University of Brescia (1522), and the of San Nicholas (1523) the, the Vatican Museum, every time to reach a higher and more perfect idea. He finally reached a classic formula in Pesaro Madonna, better known as Madonna di CA Pesaro (AD 1519 - 1526), also for the flary church. This is perhaps the most important research work of his patience, the development of the program proposed order and freedom of the highest performance, creativity and style. Titian here presents a new framework for the concept of traditional groups of people and holy people toward the air space, planning and varying degrees of setup in an architectural framework. 
Barkis and 1520-1523, C.. Titian is now at the height of his fame, and to the 1521, the following is the Brescia production of St. Sebastian a map of the papal legate (of which there are many copies), buyers according to their own work.
More specifically this period of work, St. Peter Martyr (1530), formerly in Dominican Church of zanipolo 1867, and a Austria shell destroyed. Only copies and prints of of this original Baroque pictures remain. It combines the extreme violence and landscape, mainly by a huge tree, pressed into the scene, seems to emphasize the drama of a way, look forward to the baroque.
The artist continued at the same time as a series of little Maria, he placed in the beautiful scenery, in the style of the photo or poetic pastoral way. The virgin and the rabbit, these photos in Le Louvre Museum, is a complete. Another work in the same period, also is buried in the Louvre. This is the three famous mythological scenes period Camerino belongs to Alfonso d'Este in Ferrara, andrians and the worship of Venus in Prado Museum, and Barkis and Ariadne (1520 - 23) London, [20] "perhaps the most brilliant achievements of the Neo pagan culture or" Alexander style "of the Renaissance many times but never even imitate Lubensi was beyond his own." 
Finally, this is when the Titian by half length figures and young women's depression, may such as prostitutes, the flora of the Uffizi Gallery, or with a woman in Le Louvre Museum (science image The this picture is available, and explain the research centre in repair of France and the French Museum website)






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