阿尔弗雷德·埃米尔·史蒂文斯利奥波德(1823 5月11日至8月24日1906)是比利时画家,他优雅的现代女性的画作闻名。阿尔弗雷德·史蒂文斯生于布鲁塞尔。他来自参与了视觉艺术家庭:他的哥哥约瑟夫(1816年至1892年)和他的儿子利奥波德(1866年至1935年)是画家,而另一个弟弟亚瑟(1825年至1899年)是一个艺术品经销商和评论家。他的父亲,曾在拿破仑战争中的军队转战荷兰的威廉一世,是一个艺术收藏家谁所拥有几个水彩德拉克罗瓦,其他艺术家之一。
他的父亲在1837年去世后,史蒂文斯离开中学在开始学习布鲁塞尔皇家艺术学院在布鲁塞尔,在那里他知道弗朗索瓦Navez,新古典主义画家和以前的学生雅克·路易·大卫谁是其所长和一个老朋友史蒂文斯的祖父。继传统的课程,他从古典雕塑的石膏画了前两年,然后从真人模特画了。[2] 1843年,史蒂文斯前往巴黎,加入他的弟弟约瑟夫谁已经在那里。他考上了巴黎高等美术学院,巴黎最重要的艺术学校。虽然有人说,他成为其董事的学生让·奥古斯特·多米尼克·安格尔,这很可能是不正确的。[2]早期图片由史蒂文斯,赦免或赦免(冬宫,圣彼得堡),签名并注明日期1849年,表演他对传统的自然风格,在很大程度上归功于17世纪荷兰的掌握流派绘画。像比利时画家和朋友与他在巴黎,住弗洛朗约瑟夫·玛丽·威廉姆斯(1823年至1905年),史蒂文斯仔细画家如研究工作杰拉德之三博创和加布里埃尔梅特苏。
史蒂文斯的工作是公开展示的第一次在1851年,当他的画三个被送往布鲁塞尔沙龙。他在巴黎沙龙于1853年荣立三等勋章,并在第二级的金牌世界博览会在巴黎于1855年[3]他的策qu'on appelle勒流浪[什么叫流浪](博物馆ð奥赛,巴黎)吸引了注意力拿破仑三世谁,因为在画面场景的结果,下令士兵不再被用来从街头捡穷人。[4]等两幅画,他在沙龙展出在安特卫普这一年,切斯SOI或在家(现在的位置不详)和画家和他的模型(沃尔特斯艺术博物馆,巴尔的摩),介绍了从“LA VIE摩登”为他出名的科目:一个优雅的年轻女子在当代礼服而在他的工作室的艺术家。1857年,史蒂文斯做了他的第一个重要出售给一位私人收藏家,当安慰是买了传言6000法郎由柏林收藏家和经销商Ravéné。与此同时,他和他的兄弟成为巴黎的艺术世界的一部分,满足人们如龚古尔兄弟,泰奥菲尔·戈蒂埃和大仲马在美容院玛蒂尔德公主以及流行的咖啡馆。1858年,史蒂文斯结婚玛丽相思,谁从丰富的比利时家庭和史蒂文斯的老朋友来了。德拉克罗瓦是在仪式的见证人。
从史蒂文斯的职业生涯后半期的一个最重要的工作是不朽的全景杜世纪末危机,1789年至1889年,这是他涂上亨利GERVEX。史蒂文斯画的妇女和细节和GERVEX的男性,十五助理的帮助。[10]它是在1889年在巴黎举行的国际展览,他还收到一些伟大的职业贡品显示,好评如潮。1895年,一个大型展览他的作品在布鲁塞尔举行。1900年,史蒂文斯被在Ecole des Beaux艺术在巴黎荣幸能与曾经给一个在世艺术家首次回顾展。由伯爵夫人Greffulhe导致顾客的支持下,取得了社会声望以及流行的成功。1905年,他被允许在布鲁塞尔的比利时艺术回顾展展出的唯一活着的艺术家。尽管有这些展览,他没能卖掉他的工作足以财政管好。已经活得比他的兄弟和他的大部分朋友,他在巴黎去世于1906年,在适度的房间独自生活。
After his father's death in 1837, Stevens left school and started learning in Royal College of Art in Brussels, Brussels, where he knew Francois Navez, neoclassical painter and former student Jacques Louis David, who is the director and an old friend of Stevens's grandfather. Following the traditional course, he drew from the classical sculpture of the plaster for the first two years, and then drew it from a real model. [2] 1843, Stevens went to Paris to join his brother, Joseph, who was already there. He was admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts in Paris, Paris's most important art school. Although it is said that he became the director of the student Jean August Dominique Angel, it is likely to be incorrect. [2] early photo by Stevens, pardon or amnesty (Winter Palace, St Petersburg), signed and dated 1849, show him to traditional natural style, largely thanks to the seventeenth Century Holland master School of painting. Like the Belgian painter and friend and he lived in Paris, Florenjosef Mary Williams (1823 to 1905), Stevens carefully research work of three artists such as Gerrard Borch and Gabriel Aiermeitesu.
Stevens's work was publicly displayed for the first time in 1851, when his paintings were sent to the Brussels salon three. He at the Paris salon in 1853 won three medals, and in the second level gold medals in Paris World Expo in 1855 [3] qu'on appelle, his policy [what] Call stray stray (d Orsay Museum, Paris) has attracted the attention of Napoleon III who, because in the scene, he ordered the soldiers to no longer be used from the street the poor. [4] two picture, he exhibited at the Antwerp salon in this year, Chess SOI or at home (now the location of the unknown) and the painter and his model (Walters Art Museum, Baltimore), introduced from the "LA VIE modern" for his famous subjects: an elegant young woman in contemporary dress the artist in his studio. In 1857, Stevens made his first important sale to a private collector, when the comfort was bought by the rumored 6000 francs by the Berlin collector and dealer Rav e n. At the same time, he and his brother became a part of Paris art world, meet people such as the Goncourt brothers, Teofil Gautier and Alexandre Dumas in the beauty salon and the popular Princess Mathilde cafe. In 1858, Stevens married Marie, who came from a rich family of Belgium and an old friend of. Delacroix was a witness at the ceremony.
One of the most important jobs from the latter half of Stevens's career is the panoramic panorama of the end of the 16th century crisis, from 1789 to 1889, which he painted with Henry GERVEX. Stevens painted the women and the details and GERVEX of the men, the fifteen assistant's help. It is [10] in 1889 at the Paris international exhibition, he also received some great occupation tribute showed great acclaim. In 1895, a large exhibition of his works was held in Brussels. In 1900, Stevens was honored at the Ecole des Beaux art in Paris with the first retrospective exhibition of a living artist. With the support of the customer, led by the countess Greffulhe, social prestige and popular success have been achieved. In 1905, he was allowed to be the only living artist in the Belgian art retrospective exhibition in Brussels. In spite of these exhibitions, he failed to sell his work enough to finance it. Has lived more than his brother and most of his friends, he died in Paris in 1906, living in a modest room alone.