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  • 中文名京津画派
  • 国籍中国
  • 年代清末民初
  • 起源四个国画团
  • 主要人物肖俊贤










姚 华(1876——1930)字一鄂,号重光,一号茫父,别号莲花庵主。贵州贵筑(今贵阳)人,姚华光绪二十三年(1897年)举人,三十年(1904年)进士,授工部虞衡司主事。山水、花卉,篆、隶、真、行,都具有高深造诣。












Introduction in English

 Beijing-Tianjin Painting School is the crystalline product of the inheritance and development of the quintessence culture of Beijing and Tianjin in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. Beijing-Tianjin Painting School mainly originated from four groups of traditional Chinese painting: Xuannan Painting Society, Chinese Painting Society, Hu Society and Pine Style Painting Association.


Beijing-Tianjin Painting School is a cultural concept rather than a regional concept. After Mr. Pu Xinshe, one of the founders of Songfeng Painting Association, settled in Taiwan in 1949, he lectured extensively in Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asian countries. Beijing-Tianjin Painting School, like Lingnan Painting School, has spread abroad and attracted the attention of international art circles. Today, Beijing-Tianjin Painting School has been established. One of the major groups of Chinese traditional paintings on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and all over the world.


Since the establishment of the Hu Society and Songfeng Painters, most of them have been absorbed as full-time painters of the Academy. Since then, the Hu Society and Songfeng Painting Association have terminated their independent activities. In 1984, in order to revitalize traditional Chinese painting, the Hushe Painting Association first resumed its meeting and opened a painting and calligraphy market in Liulichang, Beijing. Mr. Sun Jusheng, one of the earliest surviving members of the Hushe Painting Association, is the president of the Painting Association. The Songfeng Painting Association officially resumed in 2001. The new generation of leaders is Mr. Guan Songfang's direct disciple, senior landscape painter and Chinese painting theorist, Mr. Guan Ruizhi, one of the founders of Songfeng Painting Association. There is no fixed meeting site because many disciples are distributed across the Taiwan Strait and around the world. Mr. Qigong, the only remaining veteran of Songfeng Painting Association, served as consultants to Hu Society and Songfeng Painting Association respectively.


The overall purpose of Beijing-Tianjin School of Painting is to study ancient methods and learn new knowledge. The ecological conventions of copying, sketching and negotiating skills have been going on in Beijing-Tianjin School of Painting until now, and have been maintained as a good tradition. In addition to the above purpose put forward by Mr. Jin Beilou, the leader of the painting school, Mr. Chen Banding, Mr. Qin Zhongwen and Mr. Guan Songfang of the Hushe Painting Society all left warnings for the artistic creation of the Beijing-Tianjin Painting School. Generally speaking, creation is not a pioneering work, and brush and ink can not be separated from life.


Xiao Junxian (1865-1949), from Hengyang, Hunan Province. In his early years, he learned painting from Cangya Master and Shen Yongsun. He was hired by Li Ruiqing and taught in Painting and Handicraft Department of Liangjiang Premium Normal School. In the early years of the Republic of China, he lived in Beijing and taught at the National Peiping Art College. In his later years, he lived in Shanghai and sold paintings for a living. Long in landscape, both as flowers. And Xiao Xun is also known as Beijing Erxiao. His works include Blue Sea Blue Sky Map, River and Mountain Endless Map, Mountain Residence Map and so on.


Chen Shizeng (1876-1923), also known as Heng Ke, is known as the "decadent Taoist", "Huaitang", "Yining" (now Xiushui) in Jiangxi Province. Hunan Governor Chen Baoshen, the eldest son of Chen Sanli (Chen Sanyuan), and brother of Chen Yinke. He studied in Japan and studied natural history. After returning to China, he worked in fine arts education. He came to Beijing in 1913 and has been a professor of various universities in Beijing. Good at poetry and calligraphy, especially in painting and seal carving. His landscape painting pays attention to imitation, drawing inspiration from the natural landscape; freehand flower and bird painting style is strong and healthy, full of interest; figure painting with freehand brush sketch, focus on verve, with sketch and cartoon documentary; custom painting mostly depicts the bottom figures. His works include History of Chinese Painting, Study of Chinese Literature Painting, and Dyeing Room Printing.


Yaohua (1876 - 1930) is the word "one E". It is called "Chongguang", "No. 1 Mang Father", and "No. 1 Lotus Ancestral Master". Guizhou Guizhu (now Guiyang), Yao Huaguangxu 23 years (1897), 30 years (1904) Jinshi, director of Yu Heng Department of Ministry of Labor. Landscape, flowers, seals, Li, Zhenzhen and Xing all have high attainments.


Yu Feiyin (March 22, 1889 - July 3, 1959) is a Chinese painter. Originally named in Kuizhao, later renamed in Zhao, the word Yangshu, other non-secret, also known as idle people, hearers, Laofei. Originally from Penglai, Shandong Province, born in Beijing, he was handed down as a calligrapher and painter from his childhood. He joined the Normal School in 1912 and later taught in the Department of Fine Arts of Private Normal School and Private North China University. He is also a tutor of the Chinese Painting Research Museum attached to the exhibition of antiquities. Since 1935, he has been specializing in meticulous flower and bird painting. Since 1949, he has been a researcher of the Institute of National Fine Arts of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, vice president of the Beijing Chinese Painting Research Association and vice president of the Beijing Painting Academy. His works include Magnolia Oriole, Tomato Picture, Peony Pigeon and so on. His works include Non-Dark Ink, Yilan Ji, Research on Pigments of Chinese Painting and How I Paint Flowers and Birds.

Li Keran (1907-1989), a modern painter. People from Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province. Studying painting since childhood, he went to Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts and National West Lake Academy of Art in his early years. He taught at Peiping Art College in 1946. In 1956, he traveled tens of thousands of miles to change landscape painting. In his early years, his landscape paintings were selected from the Eighth National Congress. His brushwork was concise and straightforward. Later, he practiced painting from Qi Baishi and tended to be concise with his brushwork. He also learned the method of accumulating ink from Huang Binhong and learned how to deal with the shadows before and after Lin Fengmian's landscape painting in his sketches. The style of painting tends to be rigorous, the ink tends to be heavy, and the pen tends to be old and hot in later years. He is also good at drawing cows, and his brush and ink are very interesting. He was a professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and vice chairman of the Chinese Artists Association. The representative works include Lijiang River Scenic Site Map, Wanshan Hongpan, Jinggangshan and so on.






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