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 三清殿中的“朝元图”壁画,泰定三年(1325 年)由马君祥等人绘制而成,描绘了诸神朝拜元始天尊的故事,以8 个帝后主像为中心,周围有金童、玉女、星宿、力士等共286 尊,场面开阔,气势恢宏。这些壁画为我国古代壁画中的精典佳作(右页图是金母元君相)。

  • 中文名朝元图
  • 创作年代元代
  • 作品出处永乐宫壁画
  • 文学载体壁画
  • 作者画工马君祥之子马七等人
  • 地址山西永济永乐宫






English Introduction

Chao Yuan map as part of the Yongle Palace murals, is the highest type of mural art in Yuan dynasty.
Yongle Palace (also known as: Great Shun Yeung Wanshou Palace) in Shanxi County of Yongji Yongle Town, the legend of the founder of Taoism one of Lu's residence, because of water conservancy projects in the Yellow River to move to Ruicheng county. Yongle officer, Wuji gate, San Qingdian, Yonghe palace, murals are around the Chung Yeung Festival Hall, a total area of about more than and 800 square meters. It is one of the most important works of Taoism murals, which reflects the highest achievements of the mural art of the yuan dynasty. The gods worship and wall paintings Lao Tzu Lv Dongbin, Wang Chongyang missionary cast religious stories. Rich in content, most of the preservation of good, with a high level of art, art in China occupies an important position. In the picture element in the Sanqing hall, the walls and the fan wall on both sides painted murals, with Thailand two years (AD 1325) author Henan Ma Junxiang and his son.
Asamoto map content described the gods Palace North Korea called Primus, named "asamoto". The composition of grand, of great momentum, a gesture similar to one in good out of a bandbox. The main mural like eight 3 meters high (Antarctic, Arctic, East, the Jade Emperor, Gou Chen, wood, earth, gold mother) as the center, before painting dragon, white tiger two constellations, after one day, two days and marshal Peng, Cao Zhixian, Xian Guan, Zhou Ding, lux, Taiyi, day courtiers, golden boy, girl, Ershibasu, thirty-two Dijun, a total of 394 portraits. Some of them have some language, some meditation, some listening, some watching, facial gestures echoed each other, become an organic whole. Crown costumes gorgeous brilliant clothing lines with Wu Daozi, "a long line, Brasenia" several feet, tight strength and finally both subtle and powerful. The color of the color hook filled, wearing a crown, gold in the skirt, incense burner etc. Lek powder, feel more gorgeous dazzling, the style of the Tang and Song Dynasties murals of traditional far, become an independent school in the Yuan Dynasty painting. Here's a selection of "two asamoto map" in the picture, the most like one gold mother, gentle and elegant, elegant; the second is one of the thirty-two great Fuso, Dijun solemn and vivid.

Miyahara in Shanxi Yongle Yongle Town of Yongji County, said as the founder of Taoism one of Lu's residence. Tang will build its Lu Song and Jin ancestral temple to view. Yuan unification of two years was destroyed by fire, and then at the site of the new Chunyang palace known as the palace. In 1959, due to the construction of Sanmenxia water conservancy project, all buildings and murals in the overall move to the nearby village of Longquan County, five Li Miao rui.
Yongle Palace in the Yuan Dynasty is one of the three major Quanzhen Zuting, Longhu palace, San Qingdian, Chun Yang Temple and Chung Yeung Festival Hall still retains the yuan to early Ming Dynasty Taoism murals of 800 square meters, grand scale, exquisite and splendid, glorious and resplendent, is the world's rare art treasures. The legacy of the religious paintings, is the most important Taoist frescoes in the work group, reflects the high achievement of Yuan mural art, in art history status is very important.
The Yongle Palace House in San Qingdian and pureyangtemple the most spectacular murals. In the 52 mural pureyangtemple, interpretation of Lu Dongbin's legendary life, but also reflects the social life in song and Yuan dynasties. In the murals of officials, civilians, farmer, beggar dress attire, the use of utensils, facilities, residential buildings, and drinking tea Liao etc. have become extremely valuable information.
San Qingdian for the main hall, concentrated nearly half of the Yongle Palace murals, "asamoto map" as the main content. "Yuan" is the founder of Taoism worship gods primus. There are murals of Thailand two years (1325) and Henan Ma Junxiang, the eldest son horse seven Daizhao etc. Therefore this picture in mind, the author is well-known folk art.
The picture consists of about 290 people, with 8 as the main 3 meters high (Antarctic, Arctic, East, the Jade Emperor, Gou Chen, wood, earth, gold mother) as the center, the other characters in a symmetrical arrangement to honor, the south wall of the dragon, White Tiger God as the leading, were painted, the emperor of heaven the other 28 main god. The LORD God, 28 places, 12 house of Chen "started slowly in the picture on the divine troops descending from Heaven". The Lord as a solemn, like ring, round one image, similar to one in good out of a bandbox. Some of them have some language, some listen, some meditation, some look at each other, facial gestures echoed each other, become an organic whole.
The whole picture, extraordinary momentum, the scene is vast. But in this character complex scenes, the author and the main efforts are concentrated on the nearly 300 "God" to the Primus Taoist ritual, create a solemn atmosphere.
People dress in mural crown gorgeous brilliant, Yi Wen with Wu Daozi "a Brasenia" line, with strong and smooth, both subtle and powerful, even dancing elegant, like a wall of wind, give full play to the lines of highly expressive. The use of color, the color hook filled, color thick and rich, gorgeous and coordinated, decorative props in the background, in the gold crown, skirts, incense burner etc. Lek powder, gorgeous. We look at the west wall of the lower central San Qingdian a Fengbao lady like, to experience some of the mural in the pen with the beauty of color. Behind in treasure in gold mother goddess of the lady. Lady is handsome, eyes front, lips closed, very gentle and elegant charm. She is wearing a crown, wearing a sweater with wide sleeves, hands long Zhan disc, dignified. Facial and clothing lines are the line density. Yellow dress, green ribbon, gold hair and long Lek powder Zhan, give people a sense of elegant. In a word, "asamoto map" Yongle mural boutique.






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