高荣生,男,1952年生于北京。中央美术学院版画系教授。1982年毕业于中央美术学院版画系(本科),毕业留校任教至今。现任中央美术学院版画系第五工作室主任 、中国美术家协会插图装帧艺委会委员,作品以版画及插图为主
论文《插图创作中的语言转换》〈美术研究〉杂志(1998.4) 获第四届全国装帧艺术论文与研究成果,一等奖
《插图创作中的语言转换》,〈美术研究〉杂志(1998年 4月)、<中国装帧艺术年鉴>(2005年)
《切勿凑合》,世界文学(2003年 3月)
《金子永远是发亮的》发表于〈艺术〉杂志(2006年 8月) [2]
版画《紫禁城》、《钟楼》、《老房子》、《树》等;插图《老张的哲学》、《不说谎的人》、《四世同堂》、《巴山夜雨》、《钻石项圈奇案》等。作品曾多次在全国性美展中获奖及被中国美术馆、大英博物馆、德国路德维希博物馆、美国波兰特博物馆收藏。著述:《黑白涉步》、《插图创作中的语言转换》 [1] 、《插图全程教学》等。
Summary of awards
Woodcut illustration "Lao Zhang's Philosophy" won the third prize in 1985 China Youth Art Exhibition
Woodcarving illustration "No Liar" won the 7th National Art Exhibition, Bronze Award
Wood Printing "Forbidden City" won the 11th National Printing Exhibition, Bronze Prize
Woodcut illustration "The Wonderful Case of Diamond Necklace" won the gold medal in the 9th National Art Exhibition
Paper "Language Conversion in Illustration Creation" magazine "Art Research" (1998.4) won the 4th National Binding Art Papers and Research Achievements, the first prize.
Excerpts from writings
"Black-and-White Walking". Published by Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House (1996)
Stand Up, Call for Peace, Art Magazine (December 1997)
Language Conversion in Illustration Creation, Art Research (April 1998), Chinese Binding Art Yearbook (2005)
Don't Make It Right, World Literature (March 2003)
"Gold is Always Bright" was published in the "Art" magazine (August 2006)[2]
Representative Works
Printing "Forbidden City", "Bell Tower", "Old House", "Tree" and so on; illustrations "Lao Zhang's Philosophy", "No Liar", "Four Generations in One Hall", "Bashan Night Rain" and "The Wonderful Case of Diamond Necklace". His works have won many awards in national art exhibitions and have been collected by the Chinese Museum of Art, the British Museum, the Ludwig Museum in Germany and the Poland Museum in the United States. Writings: Walking in Black and White, Language Conversion in Illustration Creation, Illustration Whole Course Teaching, etc.