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( 中国美术家协会理事 )


  • 中文名孟祥顺
  • 别名师虎堂主
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍山东
  • 出生地吉林通化市
  • 出生日期1956年
  • 职业画家、教授
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 毕业院校中央美术学院
  • 主要成就中国美术家协会理事,中国文联第九次全国代表大会代表
  • 代表作品《周总理和煤矿工人在一起》



1986年组织参与中国画研究院、中国文联、中国美术家协会、中国美术馆联合举办的李可染先生大型画展。 李可染孟祥顺题写白石老人印语“痴思长绳系日”,以资勉励。
歌》的大型个人画展,中国美协主席刘大为、中国艺术研究院副院长王能宪、中国艺术研究院·美术创作院院长吴为山为展览作序。正月十五,在内蒙古鄂尔多斯首展。3月,应俄罗斯艺术科学院邀请,到俄罗斯考察,在俄罗斯艺术科学院通讯院士、功勋艺术家、油画教授索科夫宁·弗拉基米尔先生的陪同下参观了俄罗斯国家美术馆和列宾美术学院,见到了多幅童年时代崇拜的大家画作。同时参观了圣女公墓雕塑和王明墓雕像等著名文化景观,并应住俄大使李辉之约,参观了俄罗斯大使馆宴会大厅。4月,走进王公庄中国画虎第一村考察,并应民权县县委县政府的邀请举办了收徒仪式,仪式上34名农民画家成为孟祥顺的弟子。《文艺报》2010年4月26日版专题发表《孟祥顺画虎创作》及《雄风歌》全国巡展报道。5月,接受山东电视台采访,现场为王公庄中国画虎第一村的农民画家授课,并一同来到郊外写生。《博韵艺刊》为孟祥顺艺术成就作特别报道,吴为山撰文《寄文思于山林,寓豪情于虎威》2010年5月第三期发表。应邀参加朱时茂主演电影《戒烟不戒酒》的开机仪式并题字“醉卧沙场”。6月,人民美术出版社出版孟祥顺豪华精装个人画集;河北教育出版社出版《雄风歌——孟祥顺艺术文集》文集;天津人民美术出版社出版《近现代名家——孟祥顺画集》。 2011年11月被选为中国文联第九次全国代表大会代表。

English Introduction

Meng Xiangshun (who), Xiaolin mountain the owner of the house, the ancestral home of Shandong. He was born in Tonghua in 1956 and studied in the Chinese Painting Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts for 84 years. Now a professor at the Art Institute of Chinese painter, Chinese culture pictorial agency, Chinese Federation of the Ninth National Congress, a member of China artists association. Held twelve national exhibitions and visits.
In recent years, Meng Xiangshun in the original art techniques and ideas, do further excavation and expansion. He painted the tiger's appearance, demeanor and then "tiger" this particular cultural image as the origin, in-depth investigation of the spiritual core of national culture. Starting from the angle of literature and history to the arts, to present and future art made a profound reflection, at the same time, he takes the hitherto unknown surreal art, created a number of huge liger, portrait, with its intrinsic heartshaking highly visual impact of the artistic effect and profound culture. Established his unique painting style and artistic language, which won the first national champion tiger "reputation in the contemporary art world (see Wang Zhaowen, Fan Ceng, Wen Huaisha, Mr Feng Yuan's comments). In the China contemporary painting master as forming a unique "Meng Xiangshun effect
Has participated in the work of National Artists Association Exhibition, winning five times. By art circles, collectors attention. 2004 Fall Beijing contemporary Chinese painting large auction top ten. In 2010 the CCTV news channel "spirit" the special report. People's fine arts publishing house, Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House, Tianjin Yangliuqing pictorial, rongbaozhai publishing house, Hebei Education Publishing House "Meng Xiangshun album" "Meng Xiangshun research", "modern masters Meng Xiangshun boutique election" "Meng Xiangshun" Meng Xiangshun "tiger painting collection" "Meng Xiang Shun tiger painting technique" "Meng Xiangshun calligraphy collection" ten book. Nearly 100 works by Sotheby's Hongkong, Beijing Rong Bao, Jia De, Hanhai, Huachen auction and auction companies such as art galleries, collectors at home and abroad.

Hegang city in 1982 was admitted to the Heilongjiang Institute of Education College of fine arts. The creation of Chinese painting series "- style" in the Heilongjiang daily, the daily worker.
1983 with the famous painter Zhou Sicong coal mine sketches, published in the Hegang daily article "coal miners and Zhou Sicong".
Studying Chinese Painting Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1984, graduated from the creation of the "solar stone", "spring snow" in the China art museum. With Li Hangjian, Xie Zhigao, Han Guozhen, Jia Youfu, Zhao Ningan, Yao Youduo in Henan, Songshan, Taihang Mountain, Huashan, Wanxian provinces.
1985 Chinese painting "spring snow" on behalf of China Union in Poland, France exhibition. At the end of 2012, held in the hometown of Hegang Art Museum Meng Xiangshun exhibition".
In 1986 the organization to participate in the Research Institute, China Painting Artists Association, China Federation, Chinese Chinese Museum jointly organized large-scale exhibition of Mr. Li Keran. Li Keran Meng Xiangshun wrote the Bai Shi old Indian "crazy thinking Changsheng system", in order to encourage.
In 1987 the creation of "sun", "mountain", "miners" in the national art exhibition, Museum of Fine Arts in Chinese, won the prize of excellent works.
1988 held in Heilongjiang thousands of coal miners learn painting creative classes, for his hometown to train a large number of Chinese painting talent. "Creation" won the first prize, Heilongjiang art exhibition keel first prize in Hegang city.
In 1989 the organization of coal mine workers Beijing Exhibition of calligraphy and painting, caused widespread influence in the country, CCTV evening news.
1990 "art," grand "China Youth Daily", "literature review", "Northern Literature" and other publications presentation of Meng Xiangshun's painting art.
1992 Meng Xiangshun creative achievements by the Heilongjiang provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department into the "soul of Longjiang" book.
1994 held "Meng Xiangshun painting exhibition in Harbin exhibition, figures, landscapes, tiger hundred pieces. Yu Zhixue, Jia Pingxi, Lu Yushun attended the ceremony.
1995 Yao Youduo, introduced in Beijing, participated in the Pacific Art Auction in. Settle in Beijing.
1996 Chinese painting "hutch map" auction twenty-six thousand yuan in the Beijing guardian. The painting works "voiceless landscape map" Christie's auction in Hongkong forty-eight thousand yuan.
"King of kings" in 1997 works in Beijing auction forty-five thousand yuan. The painting works of the "king of treasures" in Hongkong Sotheby's auction of eighty thousand yuan.
1998 "Dragon Mountain" in the works of rongbaozhai auction fifty-eight thousand yuan. Held in Guangzhou, Yao Youduo, Meng Xiangshun painting exhibition, "art circles", "collectors" and other publications made a special introduction. CCTV said, "art star Tiger Tiger" program made a special introduction to Meng Xiangshun, Meng Xiangshun established the modern China painting tiger painting status. Mr. Wang Yong wrote: "congratulate gentleman Weiran, Bing also for adults."
In 1999 the people's Publishing House "China contemporary artists - Meng Xiangshun album", Mr Sun Ke wrote a preface. December Chinese Artists Association held in Shantou Exhibition Center Liu Dawei, Zhang Daoxing, Meng Xiangshun, Liu Huaishan four exhibition.
In the spring of 2000, Chinese painting "lying" Autumn Auction sixty-five thousand yuan in Beijing hanhai. January 16th, Losangeles, Portland, the United States should be Seattle's five largest city, and invited Liu Dawei, executive vice chairman of China Artists Association Institute China painting Zhao Wei held together "in twenty-first Century Chinese famous American exhibition in the United states". In the western United States Grand Canyon to sketch and the lecture. Losangeles and other five cities were awarded cultural and artistic exchanges between China and the United States and received an honorary certificate. In March, "art observation" opened "vivid" and "interesting" topic introduces Meng Xiangshun tiger painting creation. In 2000 October, the national China painting exhibition "treasures" works, a prize of excellent works.
On May 2001, Chinese painting "the mighty day wind" work with Mr. Yang Fuzhen won the national "Yaheng Cup" Chinese painting exhibition bronze award. The works of the "king of glory" in the Beijing Guardian spring auction sixty-one thousand yuan. Works of "Shan Jun" statue auction eighty thousand yuan in Beijing Hanhai autumn. In November, six countries in Europe for academic exchange activities in France, Paris and to carry out "Mr Fan Zeng Chung Fang is misunderstanding on twentieth Century beauty and classical aesthetic activities, and with the return of" Mr Fan Zeng visited Le Louvre museum. After returning home by rongbaozhai manager Mr. Mi Jingyang, Mr Fan Zeng worship as a teacher, a disciple of Mr. Fan zeng. In December 6th, "Chinese Book pictorial" famous column presentation of Meng Xiangshun's artistic achievement. The Ministry of culture and arts Secretary Mr. Feng Yuan for writing the article "King - Chinese spirit and Modernity" and other martial arts.

In January 2002, as a guest of CCTV, in the "infinite truth" charity, donated a scene painting works, auction thirty-six thousand yuan. China education television for Meng Xiangshun achieved artistic achievements record thematic art films, meticulous tiger techniques, freehand tiger techniques in the national play. "Artists", "Gallery", "light", "Chinese elite youth daily" and other publications special introduces the artistic achievements of Meng Xiangshun. In May, Meng Xiangshun held an art exhibition in Henan Museum, Henan Museum collection of the works of Meng Xiangshun and awarded a certificate. Henan satellite tracking. July, to participate in the National Olympic Chinese painting exhibition, "works of Lawrence" night won the excellent prize, Meng Xiangshun, Yang Fuzhen. In August, Mr. Wen Huaisha Meng Xiangshun Exhibition for inscription: "Meng Xiangshun wrist end situation, then know what life should be the tiger, tiger, bear is Meng jun." In October, Meng Xiangshun, along the Yangtze River Three Gorges sketch, and Kuimen, Baidicheng, Fengjie, Wanzhou, Badong, painting inscription. "Chongqing daily", "Beijing Evening News" page introduces Meng Xiangshun of Chinese painting art. November, participated in the national fifth meticulous painting exhibition, selected and won the collection award. The U.S. Embassy, Japanese Embassy to draw the "Shenwei map" map "cries of dragons and tigers". December, Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House published "Meng Xiangshun research".
January 2003, Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House published "Meng Xiangshun art research". Mr. Wen Huaisha and normal Mr. Zeng for this book as well. In February, the first home held a personal exhibition, the Hegang municipal Party committee secretary Zhang Xingfu, bureau Party Secretary Li Zhongqin cut the ribbon for the opening ceremony. The ceremony Meng Xiangshun donated paintings to the Hegang municipal Party committee, after the ceremony hosted the home crowd and art tongren. May, with Xie Zhigao, Shi Guoliang together to participate in CCTV, organized by the central charity activities, donated two works on the spot, auction $fifty-two thousand. Two pieces of paintings donated for the Ministry of culture, China Meixie organized "fighting SARS love" activities. In June, Tianjin Yangliuqing "published" Meng Xiangshun model China painting series tiger painting collection ". In July, with "works" years can China "selected the second national art exhibition Zhongguomeixie Chinese" and awards collection. In August, Tianjin Yangliuqing "published" selected Chinese masters of modern art book Yapin Meng Xiangshun tiger painting works ". In October, the Ministry of culture led organization, Chinese Artists Association chairman Liu Dawei's big "," Culture Year activities in France and Paris, with Liu Dawei, Yang Xiaoyang and Zhang Daoxing together in Paris. Hebei education publishing house large oo-mobil "Meng Xiangshun album".
In January 2004, Meng Xiangshun published "the Tianjin Yangliuqing" meticulous brushwork, beast art teaching demonstration works ";" Tianjin publishing "China Yangliuqing Famous Contemporary Gallery," featuring Meng Xiangshun tiger tiger painting creation. December, accept the CCTV channel tenth "everyone" column interview. Meng Xiangshun, appearing on the cover of "knowledge networks in the world" magazine in 2004 7.
2005 Meng Xiangshun as cover figures published in the approaching painter 2 monthly in 2005. In June, at China Art Research Institute, "Chinese culture pictorial" Agency Liaison Department director. Tianjin Yangliuqing "published" Meng Xiangshun tiger painting line drawing art series ". In July, visited Anhui, visited the former residence of Huang Binhong, and in Mount Huangshan and other places sketching, writing article "Sven lonely - by the former residence of Huang Binhong thought". Mr. Fan and created huge paintings of "self", which lasted six months. Meng Xiangshun, appearing on the cover of "famous Yipin" magazine in 2005 9. Meng Xiangshun as a cover figure published in the unity of man and painting 2005 11 monthly. In December, at China Art Research Institute, "Chinese culture pictorial" club vice president.
January 2006, should be invited to the Hegang municipal government, as a special guest to participate in the construction of the city of Hegang six anniversary of large-scale activities and delivered a speech. At the same time donated to his hometown works, was awarded honorary title Hegang municipal painter. The same month, to have fought well under the coal mine, experience life, and home for the Bureau of mines. April, "Chinese calligraphy report" magazine "character" column special report Meng Xiangshun and its art. Tianjin Yangliuqing "published" China masters of modern art book Yapin Fan Ceng, Meng Xiangshun painting works ", in April 2006 the first printing, January 2010 second print. In September, accompanied by Mr. Fan Ceng to Jiangxi to participate in the "Commemoration of the three hundred and eighty anniversary of the birth of a series of activities of badashanren". Mr. Fan and Mount Lu, Pavilion of Prince Teng tour, and write blogs. The same month, Meng Xiangshun appearing on the cover of "Chinese Huayuan" in 2006 fifth. Meng Xiangshun as a cover figure published in the art masters 2006 10 monthly. Talking about the new concept of Chinese great art in Holland with Mr. Yang Xiaoyang. After returning to Beijing and Paul Liu interviewed Yang Xiaoyang's artistic point of view, and in the "Chinese culture pictorial" Twelfth magazine article published "contemporary art and Yang Xiaoyang".

In May 2007, the work "snow Ling Hutch" exhibition held Chinese Art Research Institute China Art Institute of the first Academy exhibition. Autumn, on behalf of the Chinese Academy of art organization "into Changbai Mountain" series of activities, sketching in Changbai Mountain, and condolences to Changbai Mountain primary school, Changbai Mountain primary school supplies. Go to North Korea to study sketch.
In March 2008, Mr. Wu Guanzhong should be invited to participate in the "Wu Guanzhong into the 798 - 2007 new exhibition", and Mr. Wu Guanzhong talked about art. 5.12 after the earthquake, all Chinese heart is boiling hot, with a sincere heart, with a strong national sentiment, Meng Xiangshun picked up the brush night can scarcely wait, created two "masterpiece", "Our wills unite like a fortress. and live in" true colour of a hero, relief party CCTV eight, the artist published reflections, donated paintings value 1 million yuan. Bishuizhuangyuan build Meng Xiangshun Art Museum, covers an area of seven acres, with an area of nearly more than 7 thousand square meters.
In January 2009, the "Beijing morning news" "the art of calligraphy" magazine published full page article "contemporary painting tiger team Meng Xiang Shun". In April, at China Art Research Institute, "Chinese culture pictorial" club. Vice chairman invited the Russian Academy of Arts and science, people's artist academician, painting painter Mr. Maksimov Zvelkov and the Russian Academy of Arts and science communication meritorious artist, Professor of oil painting art research institute Mr. Sokovnin Vladimir Chinese visited. In spring, the works of "Qing snow map" in poly auction 600 thousand yuan. In May, the Changbai Mountain series of painting creation, complete masterpiece "ice snow drink", "spring sleep near the snow rock", meaning heavy tigers "Akiyama Taka", "Feng Chang Qing" riding a tiger mountain. Through the ten Landrace experience, re-examine the artistic creation in Changbai Mountain, creating a new artistic vision. In October, "art newspaper" in 2009 twelfth issued a special Meng Xiangshun "king of Kung Fu and other China spirit of modernity", Feng Yuan wrote. November, came to Sichuan, visited the 5.12 earthquake suffering Juyuan center kindergarten ruins. In December, he went to England to attend the graduation ceremony of his son Meng Yan. Meng Xiangshun as cover figures published in the "ink by" 2009 12 monthly.
2010 Spring Festival, to accept the famous CCTV host Li Xiaomeng interview, recording feature film tiger dance with people, broadcast on CCTV news channel. In January, President and Deputy Minister of culture, Chinese Art Research Institute Wang article made a special trip to visit the old Zhang's disease, and invited to participate in January 25th at the Tsinghua University's Art Research Center "of the opening ceremony. Meng Xiangshun and Mr Zhang Ding have love, Mr. Zhang Ding was written by Meng Xiangshun, "the Liuhe tigers wind antithetical couplet, independent monarch when nine off". Meng Xiangshun as cover figures published in contemporary art 2010 1 monthly. Organized entitled "glory
Large personal exhibition song ", China Artists Association chairman Liu Dawei, vice president Wang Nengxian Chinese Art Institute, China Art Research Institute of Creative Arts Institute president Wu Weishan for the exhibition preface. First lunar month fifteen, in Inner Mongolia Erdos first exhibition. In March, the Russian Academy of Arts and Sciences invited to study in Russia, accompanied by the Russian Academy of Arts and Sciences Academician, meritorious artist, Professor of oil painting in MR Sokovnin Vladimir's visit to Russia's The National Gallery and the Academy of Fine Arts in Repin, met a childhood worship of all paintings. At the same time, visited the virgin cemetery and the tomb of Wang Ming statue sculpture and other famous cultural landscape, and should help the Russian ambassador Li Huizhi, visited the Russian Embassy banquet hall. In April, the first China Wanggong into the tiger painting village visits, and civil rights county government invitation held an apprentice ceremony ceremony, 34 farmers painter became a disciple of Meng Xiangshun. The April 26, 2010 edition of "literary newspaper" published "Meng Xiangshun special creation" and "tiger painting treasures song" national tour reports. May, accept Shandong TV interview, the scene of the first village of Wang Zhuang Chinese painting tiger painter taught, and came to the countryside sketch. "Bo IDEART issue" for the artistic achievement of Meng Xiangshun special reports, Wu Weishan wrote "send Evans in the forest, put in May 2010 Third" tiger pride. Zhu Shimao was invited to star in the film "do not quit drinking" boot ceremony with the inscription "Zuiwo battlefield". In June, people's Fine Arts Publishing House Meng Xiangshun deluxe hardcover collection; Hebei Education Publishing House "Feng Song -- Meng Xiangshun art collection" works; Tianjin people's Fine Arts Publishing House "modern painter Meng Xiangshun painting". November 2011 was selected as the China Federation of the Ninth National congress.






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