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1978—1982 毕业于鲁迅美术学院雕塑系,获学士学位
1982—1987 任教于鲁迅美术学院雕塑系
1987—1990 毕业于鲁迅美术学院雕塑系研究生,获硕士学位
1990—2000 中央美术学院雕塑研究所研究员
2000— 清华大学美术学院教授
2014— 鲁迅美术学院任职
获得中宣部第三届全国中青年德艺双馨文艺工作者称号、全国宣传文化系统 “四个一批”人才
作为中国当代雕塑的领军人物之一,李象群将“新人文主义”理念融入到作品中使其作品具有强烈的艺术感染力。他所表现的肖像人物带给人震撼与感动,雕塑在他的手中成为历史的记载与延续,显示出艺术家思想的强大力量。其雕塑代表作品有《堆云·堆雪》 、《红星照耀中国》 、《阳光下的毛泽东》 、《我们走在大路上》等。多件作品被中国美术馆、国家历史博物馆、中国现代文学馆、国际奥委会等收藏。曾获第三、四届全国体育美展特等奖、一等奖,第二届全国城市雕塑作品展优秀奖,第八届全国美展优秀奖,新中国城市雕塑建设成就奖,英国肖像雕塑年度展费瑞克里最佳作品奖、攀格林新人奖等。艺术创作的同时,李象群在30余年的教学生涯中,培养出了大批的艺术人才。为中国雕塑力量的延续做出了贡献。
2018 《如境——李象群当代艺术展》深圳蛇口海上世界文化艺术中心
2018 《同行——李象群艺术展》零艺术中心
2018 再造—-李象群艺术展 嘉善/中国
2017 无我之境——李象群与王易罡双个展波恩/ 德国
2016 城·象——李象群艺术展 故宫博物院/北京 中国
2015 创意发动——琨廷艺术实验计划/北京城建·琨廷/北京 中国
2015 传统的复活——中国当代艺术的另一条线索/贾维茨中心/纽约 美国
2015 英国肖像雕塑年度展FACE2015/伦敦 英国
2015 传统与革新——中国当代艺术展/查森博物馆/威斯康辛州 美国
2015 中国写意——中国美术馆学术邀请展/中国美术馆/北京 中国
2014 艺象青岛——中日韩雕塑展/青岛雕塑馆/青岛/中国
2014 造型的方位——上海大学美术学院年度展/上海大学美术学院美术馆/上海/中国
2014 第四届中国长春国际雕塑大会中国写意雕塑作品展/长春世界雕塑公园/长春 中国
2014 走进亚美尼亚——当代中国美术精品展/亚美尼亚艺术家之家/埃里温 亚美尼亚
2014 中国意象——当代中国水墨和雕塑艺术展/大皇宫国家博物馆/巴黎 法国
2014 英国肖像雕塑年度展FACE2014/伦敦 英国
2013 巨人毛泽东——毛泽东书法与当代名家雕塑绘画展/中国国家博物馆/北京 中国
2013 寂境——东方美学的当代复兴/ZERO(零艺术中心)/北京 中国
2013 巴黎冬季艺术沙龙/蒙特利尔艺术中心/巴黎 法国
2013 新境——中国当代艺术展/孔德杜克宫/马德里 西班牙
2013 第55届威尼斯双年展平行展中国大型独立项目:文化·精神·生成/莫拉宫殿/威尼斯 意大利
2013 师道——中国国家画院雕塑院师生联袂展/和阳美术馆/大同 中国
2012 2012卢浮宫国际美术展/卢浮宫/巴黎 法国
2012 中国当代美术精品展/柏林中国文化中心/柏林 德国
2012 第五届中国北京国际美术双年展/中国美术馆/北京 中国
2012 行人——李象群艺术展/中国美术馆/北京 中国
2012开放与共融——中国当代艺术展/匈牙利国家美术馆/佩斯 匈牙利
2012新境界——中国当代艺术作品展/澳大利亚国家博物馆/堪培拉 澳大利亚
2012 国博百年·中国雕塑百年作品展/中国国家博物馆/北京 中国
2012 英国肖像雕塑年度展FACE2012/伦敦 英国
2012 传统的复活——中国当代艺术展/伦敦 英国
2011 凝固的旋律/中国国家大剧院/北京 中国
2011 中国国家画院青年美术作品邀请展/北京 中国
2011 东方既白/中国国家画院30年院庆展/北京 中国
2011 大同国际雕塑双年展/大同 中国
2011 第三届中国长春世界雕塑大会/长春 中国
2011 太阳·从东方升起/零艺术中心/北京 中国
2011 黑白/零艺术中心/北京 中国
2011 英国肖像雕塑年度展FACE2011/伦敦 英国
2011 李象群、张树国、陈连富联展/北京 中国
2011 清华大学当代艺术研究所成立暨当代艺术邀请展/北京 中国
2011 具象的720小时 作品/北京 中国
2010 十三陵当代国际艺术展/北京 中国
2010 英国肖像雕塑年度展FACE2010/伦敦 英国
2009 庆祝澳门回归十周年——中国当代美术作品展/澳门 中国
2009 国家重大历史题材美术创作工程作品展/北京 中国2009
2009 向祖国汇报——纪念中国文联成立60周年美术书法摄影民间艺术精品展/
北京 中国
2009 触觉——卢浮宫-中华世纪坛/北京 中国
2009 中国美术世界行/巴黎 法国
2009 向祖国汇报——新中国美术60年/北京 中国
2009 英国肖像雕塑年度展/伦敦 英国
2008 视差/北京 中国
2008 英国肖像雕塑年度展/伦敦 英国
2007 英国肖像雕塑年度展/伦敦 英国
2006 红旗飘飘飘/798当代艺术展/0工场艺术中心/北京 中国
2006 英国肖像雕塑年度展/伦敦 英国
2005 中国雕塑百年邀请展/上海 中国
2005 798艺术节《各玩各的》/北京 中国
2005 798艺术节《临界》/北京 中国
2002 光州国际双年展0+1中国六人展/光州 韩国
2001 法国秋季国际沙龙艺术展/巴黎 法国
2000 与摩尔对话雕塑邀请展/广州 中国
2000 人世间光州国际双年展/光州 韩国
1999 中国美术馆馆藏精品展——20世纪中国美术/中国美术馆/北京 中国
1999 中国当代雕塑艺术年度展/何香凝美术馆/深圳 中国
1998 愚自乐园98国际雕塑创作营/桂林 中国
1998 雕塑五十年/雕塑创作室展/中央美院美术馆/北京 中国
1998 第四届中国体育美展/上海博物馆/上海 中国
1997 97中国雕塑艺术大展/中国美术馆/北京 中国
1997 第四届中国体育美展/中国美术馆/北京 中国
1994 第八届全国美展/中国美术馆/北京 中国
1993 第三届中国体育美展/中国美术馆/北京 中国
1992 中国当代雕塑家邀请作品展/北京 中国
1992 21世纪中国——中央美院教师作品展/北京 中国
1991 91大子希望雕刻之森/日本国际展/茨城 日本
1989 第七届全国美展/中国美术馆/北京 中国
1984 第六届全国美展/中国美术馆/北京 中国
1982 第二届中国青年美展/中国美术馆/北京 中国
用主旋律的雕塑作品启迪人:李象群雕塑作品的选材一向注重时代感,他善于运用艺术作品反映一个时代的人物或相关联的历史事件。既如实的记录时代特征,又能站在时代的高度客观艺术的复原历史真象,让观赏者从中获得认知与启迪。尤其在伟人题材的创作上更体现了 “真”的原则,真诚地去创作,真实地来表现。他不仅查阅史料,更亲自下乡考察体验,使自己沉浸在所要塑造的角色中。正是有这样的忘我创作精神才使得我们能看到一个个更真实,更具个人特色,更多体现人性的伟人形象而非历史符号一样的伟人图标。在塑造《阳光下的毛泽东》他准确把握人物的神态、形体和历史背景,整体造型突出领袖的凝重,而在局部上对眼神的细节刻画透出慈祥可敬的人性情怀,眉宇的细节很生动地言明了明媚的阳光正在照耀。可谓惟妙惟肖、栩栩如生,令人肃然起敬,好像伟人真的在阳光下展开笑颜。李象群在创作伟人雕塑时认为,关注现实中人们如何看待人性的思维观念问题古至今日,人们习惯带着社会化的“有色眼镜”来看待“同为人”的“不同人”时出现的“身份光环”,富贵、贫贱、伟大、平凡等极端“身份符号”象征的差异。强调的是,从终极的人性本身的角度,身为“不同人”,该有着“同为人”的真实、平等、自由、尊严和权力。《布衣邓小平》雕塑的总体刻画在于邓老端坐在藤椅上手持一支香烟,以一位世纪慈祥老的姿态身着布衣,目视前方,其动感的细节部分都集中在手指香烟缭绕的烟雾上,淋漓尽致地揭示出他睿智思索而又曲折坎坷的一生。亲切可敬,平和质朴的平民形象,这就是《布衣邓小平》。这尊铜像在邓小平百年诞辰时,由胡锦涛总书记亲自揭幕剪彩于四川广安邓小平纪念馆。
中华世纪坛雕像《郭沫若》出自李象群之手,落成后得到专家和观众的一致好评。在创作之前,多次走访了郭沫若的家人,查阅了大量资料,确立了塑像之魂。核心聚焦点落在20世纪初叶中国文人普遍拥有的一种向旧制度挑战的精神气质,并结合郭老体征消瘦、偏矮和佩戴眼镜的几个特点,创作时将郭老原身长适度拉长,为郭老身着长袍,一只手拿着典籍,另一只手背在身后,以突显那一代文人的装束与傲骨。画家吴冠中先生到文学馆围着李象群的《巴金》像绕了三圈之后感叹道:“哦,伟大的作品,原来是最普通的人写出来的啊!”诗人王建民在《巴金》像前吟道:一位普通的爱讲真话的百岁老人习惯背着手行走着思考着探索着……。作为雕塑家, 塑出人的形象并不难,但是能够把这人物本身所带有的文化内在也完美地表达出来,不能不说是李象群将巴金雕像的精神实质塑造出来了,塑得活灵活现、神形兼备。
全国各地广场、主题公园和主要街道两旁塑雕纷纷落成,不但为城市美化了环境,更重要的是提升了城市文化品味与内涵。李象群当选北京人大代表后,在各种会上不只一的宣传,世界凡是科技发达、文化繁荣的国家,无一座大城市没有标志性雕塑的,而这种标志性雕塑便是这个城市乃至国家的名片。美国纽约的“ 自由女神”、丹麦哥本哈根的“美人鱼”、梵蒂冈的“大卫”雕像等等数不胜数。同时他还列举了二次世界大战后,国外许多国家政府把注重城市的生存建设转到注重城市环境的改善上来,欧洲及日本、美国等国家在20世纪60年代立法,要求在所有公共建筑的总建造费中拿出百分之一的经费,作为城市公共艺术的创作和实施基金。根据这一实际情况,李象群也提交了相关的议案,想必这一题案将对推动我国城市雕塑艺术与和谐社会的发展起到划时代地积极作用。
Graduated from Sculpture Department of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts from 1978 to 1982 with Bachelor's Degree
1982-1987 Professor, Department of Sculpture, Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts
1987-1990 Graduated from Graduate School of Sculpture, Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts with Master's Degree
1990-2000 Researcher, Institute of Sculpture, Central Academy of Fine Arts
2000 - Professor, School of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University
2014 - Employment of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts
On November 23, 2016, he officially became president of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts.
Dual Professor, School of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University
Members of the 12th and 13th CPPCC National Committee
Member of Standing Committee of Liaoning Provincial People's Congress
Member of the Tenth Plenary Committee of the Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Circles
Director of China Artists Association
Deputy Director of Sculpture Arts Committee of China Artists Association
Vice-Chairman of Liaoning Provincial Literary Union
Member of Academic Committee of Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University
Vice-Chairman of the Teaching Steering Committee of Fine Arts Specialty in Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education
Vice-Chairman of China Association of Urban Sculptors
Deputy Director of the Art Committee of the National Urban Sculpture Steering Committee
Member of the Planning Committee of the Fifth and Sixth Beijing International Biennial Art Exhibition
Delegates to the 12th, 13th and 14th Beijing People's Congresses
Acquired the title of the third national young and middle-aged literary and artistic workers of the Ministry of Publicity and Propaganda, and "four batches of talents" of the national propaganda and cultural system.
Selection of Leading Talents in Social Sciences of Philosophy and Philosophy of Ten Thousand People Plan
Member of the British Portrait Sculpture Association
As one of the leading figures in contemporary Chinese sculpture, Li Xiangqun integrated the concept of "New Humanism" into his works to make his works have a strong artistic appeal. His portrait characters bring shock and touching. Sculpture becomes the record and continuation of history in his hands, demonstrating the powerful power of artist's thought. His representative sculpture works include "clouds and snow", "Red Star shining on China", "Mao Zedong in the sun", "We walk on the road" and so on. Many works have been collected by the National Museum of Art, the National Museum of History, the Museum of Modern Chinese Literature and the International Olympic Committee. He has won the first prize and the first prize in the third and fourth National Sports Exhibition, the second National Urban Sculpture Exhibition, the eighth National Art Exhibition, the New China Urban Sculpture Construction Achievement Award, the Ferrickry Best Works Award in the British Portrait Sculpture Annual Exhibition, and the Panglin New Man Award. At the same time of artistic creation, Li Xiangqun has trained a large number of artistic talents in his teaching career of more than 30 years. It has contributed to the continuation of Chinese sculpture strength.
As a representative of the NPC, Li Xiangqun has submitted many proposals such as "Protecting an Old Industrial Architectural Heritage, Protecting a Developing Cultural Zone" and made many appeals for the preservation and development of 798 Art Park. He paid attention to the protection of cultural heritage and put forward proposals, participated in the production and design of national gifts, and donated sculptures to educational institutions. Actively participate in public welfare undertakings and donate all donations to charities through auction.
Representative Works
In the field of contemporary Chinese art, the creative experience of an artist engaged in art education and sculpture creation has become more and more "low-key" with the artist's self-orientation. However, contrary to his wishes, he has been paid attention to and pursued. His works conquer aesthetic educators and artistic connoisseurs with indisputable appeal. He is steadily stepping onto the world stage as an emerging power creator. He is Li Xiangqun. As we all know, the basic concept of artistic creation is thought, philosophy and the reflection of historical existence. Li Xiangqun's unique "New Humanism" is reflected in all his works. The leaders and cultural celebrities he represents have shocked and touched people, which may be the continuation of historical records. His surrealist conception of historical figures, the sensation and reflection caused by "Heavy Clouds and Snow", shows the unshakable artist's thought. The gardener who worked hard in the higher art education of famous Chinese universities is admirable for his sense of responsibility. And the master of sculpture in artistic practice is also a thinker who "joins" 798 Cultural Industrial Park. People have tried to ask about the concept of 0 Workshop Art Center, but there is no accurate answer. It is by no means the emptiness or nihilism of Buddhism, nor the simple number game of "everything starts from'0'". As a person who knows him, I finally realized that this "0" is infinite. This is the inevitable way for the master, and his artistic language is bound to lead to the international...
(The following are excerpts of life and the chronology of creation)
Li Xiangqun was born in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, in April 1961. He received a master's degree in sculpture from Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts in 1990. He has taught in Luxun Academy of Fine Arts and Central Academy of Fine Arts successively. He is currently a professor in the Department of Sculpture, School of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University, a member of the Academic Committee, a representative of the Beijing People's Congress, a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a member of the Standing Director of the Chinese Sculptors Association, a member of the Royal Sculpture Association of the United Kingdom, and an art director of the 0 Workshop Art Center.
In 1993, his work "Eternal Operation" won the first prize of the Third National Sports Art Exhibition, and in 1997, his work "Relayer" won the first prize of the Fourth National Sports Art Exhibition. These two Olympic themes were collected by former IOC President Samaranch in the IOC Museum. In 2006, when the work "Mountain Show" was exhibited in Britain, Mr. Anthony Stones, the former president of the Royal Sculpture Society of Britain and a world-renowned sculptor, praised "Mountain Show" as a product of the perfect combination of Eastern freehand sculpture style and Western anatomical style. And the only full vote passed the strict selection of the Society, won the "New Panglin Award of the British Portrait Sculpture Annual Exhibition". He was the first Asian to win the award and broke the myth that no Asian had won it in 55 years. In 1998 and 2005, Ba Jin was collected successively by the Museum of Modern Chinese Literature and the Museum of Chinese Art. In 2001, Guo Moruo was collected in the world of the Chinese century. In 2007, "Red Star Shining China" was listed as a major national historical subject. In 2009, the work "We Walk on the Road" as a theme exhibition participated in the exhibition of "China Art World Tour" to France.
At the same time of artistic creation, Li Xiangqun has trained a large number of artistic and academic talents in his teaching career of more than 30 years. It has made tremendous contributions to supplement the follow-up strength of Chinese sculpture talents.
As an artist, Li Xiangqun has never forgotten his social responsibility. In 2002, when the famous Beijing City Business Card, 798 Cultural and Creative Industry Park, was facing the fate of being demolished, Li Xiangqun, then deputy to the NPC, submitted a bill entitled "Protecting the Developing Cultural Industry" to the NPC, and made many efforts.
Running appeal has made an important contribution to the preservation and rapid development of 798 Cultural and Creative Industry Park.
Li Xiangqun and His Art
Sculpture art is essentially a spiritual product, which is the product of the sculptor's inner world representation. Therefore, the core value of spiritual products should guide people in society to "strive for progress, honesty and fraternity, full of vitality, stability and order, and live in harmony with nature...". Li Xiangqun, a professor and sculptor of Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts, and his sculpture works have played such a role in building a harmonious society in society and people. Li Xiangqun's sculptures coincide with the distinct theme of "harmony" of the times.
The main theme of the sculpture inspiration: Li Xiangqun's sculpture selection has always focused on the sense of the times, he is good at using works of art to reflect the characters of an era or related historical events. It not only records the characteristics of the times truthfully, but also restores the historical truth of the objective art at the height of the times, so that the viewers can get the knowledge and Enlightenment from it. Especially in the creation of great subject matter, it embodies the principle of "truth", sincerely to create, truly to show. He not only consulted historical materials, but also personally went to the countryside to explore the experience, so that he immersed himself in the role to be created. It is this selfless creative spirit that enables us to see a more real, more personal characteristics, more embodies the image of human nature rather than the icons of great men like historical symbols. In shaping Mao Zedong in the sunshine, he accurately grasps the character's manner, shape and historical background, highlights the dignity of the leader in the overall shape, and portrays the details of the eyes in part with a kind and respectable human feelings. The details of the eyebrows vividly show that the bright sunshine is shining. It's lifelike and respectable, as if a great man really laughed in the sunshine. When Li Xiangqun created the sculptures of great men, he believed that people were concerned about how people viewed human nature in reality. From ancient times to today, people used to look at the "identity halo" of "different people with the same people" with socialized "colored glasses", and extreme "identity symbols" such as wealth, poverty, greatness and ordinary. ” Symbolic differences. It is emphasized that, from the perspective of ultimate human nature itself, as "different people", it should have the truth, equality, freedom, dignity and power of "same people". The overall depiction of Deng Xiaoping's sculpture is that old Deng Duan sits on a cane chair holding a cigarette, wears cloth clothes as a benevolent old man of the century and looks ahead. The details of his movement are concentrated on the smoke of finger cigarettes, which vividly reveals his wise thinking and tortuous life. The cordial, respectable, peaceful and plain image of the common people is "Deng Xiaoping in Bouyi". On Deng Xiaoping's 100th birthday, General Secretary Hu Jintao personally unveiled the bronze statue and cut the ribbon at Deng Xiaoping Memorial Hall in Guang'an, Sichuan Province.