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( 中国美术家协会会员 )

戴启顺 (笔名:田戈) 1949年9月出生,湖北红安县人。湖北人民出版社美术编审(正高职称)。自幼喜爱文学艺术,系老三届知青,有着11年的群众美术经历、13年的新闻报纸美术的磨砺、17年的书籍装帧艺术的体验。

  • 中文名戴启顺
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 居住地湖北 武汉
  • 出生日期1949-09
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长山水,人物,版画
  • 协会中国美术家协会

戴启顺 (笔名:田戈) 1949年9月出生,湖北红安县人。湖北人民出版社美术编审(正高职称)。自幼喜爱文学艺术,系老三届知青,有着11年的群众美术经历、13年的新闻报纸美术的磨砺、17年的书籍装帧艺术的体验。
如:2003年主编《汉字卡通丛书》由湖北少年儿童出版社出版,同年香港中华书局获得该书版权贸易;2004年《汉字卡通丛书》获第十五届冰心儿童图书奖; 2005年《汉字卡通丛书》列入“十五”国家重点图书出版项目;2006年《汉字卡通系列形象设计》获国家知识产权专利申请89件; 2007年《水墨汉画/古风》获全国工艺美术精粹展银奖。
以下是戴启顺1979年以来在省级国家级的主要获奖作品: ●1979年版画《放学路上》获“庆祝中华人民共和国成立30周年湖北省美术作品展览”三等奖(湖北) ●1984年木刻《大枰》、《春秋》获“庆祝中华人民共和国成立35周年”美术创作奖(湖北) ●1988年题花插图作品获“湖北省首届新闻美术大展”二等奖(湖北) ●1989年速写作品《谷雨时节闹秧门》获“湖北省新闻美术作品”二等奖(湖北) ●1993年国画《晨牧》获“全国第二届中国山水画展”优秀奖(深圳-武汉) ●1994年装帧设计《孙子兵法辞典》获“94湖北书籍装帧艺术展评年会”一等奖(湖北),“第四届全国书籍装帧艺术展览”三等奖(北京) ●1995年国画作品《红土启明》入选“当代中国山水画名家邀请展”(北京) ●1997年装帧设计《人间书》获“首届中国南方12省书籍装帧艺术研讨暨展评会”一等奖,编入《中国现代美术全集》书籍装帧卷(北京—人美出版) ●1996年装帧论文《装帧艺术与图书市场》获“第三届全国装帧艺术论文与研究成果评奖”三等奖(北京)、编入《装帧艺术新论》(广西出版)、编入《中国当代装帧艺术文集》(吉林出版) ●1997年装帧设计《走进圣人丛书》获“湖北省书籍装帧艺术展评会”一等奖(武汉) ●1998-2000年整体设计《世界华人画家三峡石》获“湖北省书籍装帧艺术展评会”一等奖、“湖北省委宣传部对外宣传图书”一等奖、“全国第五届全国书籍装帧艺术展览”整体设计优秀奖(北京)、湖北省人民政府颁布的2001年湖北图书奖 ●1999年版式设计《大武汉旧影》获“湖北省书籍装帧艺术展品会”一等奖(武汉) ●2001年国画《风雪行》获“建党八十周年湖北期刊美术摄影展”三等奖(武汉) ●2001年国画《牧羊女》获“迎接二十一世纪民族情书画展”优秀奖(北京) ●2001年国画《鸿儒遍天涯》获“新世纪中国山水画200家”光荣称号(郑州北京) ●2002年国画《鸿儒遍天涯》获全国首届新闻出版书画大赛铜奖(北京) ●2003年国画《岁月风流》获第四届王子杯海峡两岸书画大展“新世纪中国书画四百家”光荣称号(北京香港台湾) ●2003年《汉字卡通丛书》(主编合作)版式设计获湖北省书籍装帧金奖(武汉) ●2003年《汉字卡通丛书》(主编合作)由湖北少年儿童出版社出版,同年香港中华书局获得版权并出版(武汉香港) ●2004年《汉字卡通丛书》(主编合作)获第十五届冰心儿童图书奖(北京) ●2005年2月《汉字卡通丛书》(主编合作)列入“十五”国家重点图书出版规划项目(北京) ●2006年《汉字卡通形象》和《标识设计》获国家知识产权专利申请89件(北京) ●2007年《水墨汉画/古风》获全国工艺美术精粹展银奖(北京-武汉) ●2008年水墨画《渔光曲》获湖北省工艺美术精品展银奖(武汉) ●2010年《水墨汉画之一、之三》获湖北省第二届工艺美术精品展银奖(武汉)

Introduction to the artist

Dou Jinyong, formerly known as Jinrong, was born in Danyang City, Jiangsu Province. Graduated from the master's program of Chinese painting of Nanjing Art College, and graduated from the senior seminar of National Academy of painting of the Ministry of culture of National Academy of painting in 2012. Member of the 5th and 6th Standing Committee of Jinhua CPPCC, member of China Artists Association, director of Zhejiang Artists Association, vice president of Zhejiang Modern Ink Painting Research Institute, part-time professor of the school of fine arts of Zhejiang Normal University, visiting professor of the school of fine arts of Xiamen Jimei University, executive vice president and professional painter of Jinhua calligraphy and Painting Institute, Jinhua Artists Association, Zhejiang Province Vice president.


"Paddles across the water, wings across the sky, will leave traces." Dou Jinyong said that as a professional painter, he has long enjoyed the dripping ink painting and danced in the ink world. This time, he prepared 30 landscape and flower works to show you the interpretation of the word "trace". Painting is the voice of his heart. He hopes that his paintings can return to the origin of art, so that the audience can find the real interest of life from his paintings and calligraphy. The lotus leaves are dripping with ink, the mountains and waters are dense in the clear haze, as well as the careful ink groups and free lines. Looking at Dou Jinyong's ink works, they are fresh, light and elegant, and freehand brushwork between the imitated objects and the gods.


Dou Jinyong held exhibitions in Zhejiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Guangxi, Shandong and other places. "Art", "art newspaper", "Gallery", "Oriental Art", "book and painting", "Chinese calligraphy", "Chinese painting garden" and other professional art magazines respectively introduce their painting art. In September 2002, at the invitation of Hamburg Culture Bureau, Germany, he went to Europe to investigate art and held an exhibition of paintings. His works participated in today's ink · the Sixth National Exhibition of famous Chinese painters, the invitation exhibition of Oriental ink · contemporary Chinese ink artists, the first China freehand brushwork exhibition, and won the outstanding award of China Art Association for "commemorating Ye Qianyu's centenary birthday" Chinese painting exhibition and other important exhibitions.


He has published Dou Jinyong's works collection, Dou Jinyong's Chinese painting art, one flower, one world, Dou Jinyong's ink lotus series.


academic activities


1989 participated in "eight Paintings Exhibition" (Nanning, Shanghai) 1990 participated in "eight Paintings Exhibition" (Hangzhou)


1992 participated in "Zhejiang new flower and bird painting exhibition"


1994 participated in "the second youth art exhibition of Zhejiang Province"


"Dou Jinyong traditional Chinese Painting Exhibition" (Pujiang) was held in 1995 to participate in "Pujiang Chinese painting and Calligraphy Festival · invitation exhibition of contemporary famous artists' works"


In 1996, he participated in "Zhejiang · lovely hometown Art Exhibition", 96 "Zhejiang Academy of painting painter Art Exhibition" and "the third Zhejiang flower and bird Exhibition"


"Dou Jinyong traditional Chinese Painting Exhibition" in 1997 (Lanxi)


1998 "Dou Jinyong ink painting exhibition" (South Korea)


1999 "Dou Jinyong ink painting exhibition" (Weifang)


Participate in "Pujiang Chinese painting and Calligraphy Festival · invitation exhibition of contemporary famous artists' works"


Exhibition of famous calligraphers and paintings in jiudi, Fujian, Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangxi (Huangshan)


"The second youth flower and bird Exhibition" in Zhejiang Province


Dou Jinyong ink painting exhibition (Lishui)


2001 "celebration of the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China Zhejiang flower and bird painting exhibition"


"Zhejiang fine arts exhibition celebrating the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China"


2002 invited to Europe for art investigation and exchange


"Nominated exhibition of contemporary Chinese ink painters in Hamburg, Germany" (Hamburg)


2003 Dou Jinyong ink painting exhibition (Yangzhou)


Work exhibition of graduate class of Chinese painting of Nanjing Art College (Nanjing)


2004 Dou Jinyong ink painting exhibition (Zhenjiang)


"One flower, one world" Dou Jinyong ink lotus Exhibition (Jinhua)


"The first exhibition of Chinese painting freehand brushwork" of China Artists Association (Shenzhen, Beijing)


Today's ink and wash · the Sixth National Exhibition of famous Chinese painters' works (Hefei)


2006 Oriental ink · Chinese contemporary ink Artists Invitation Exhibition (Norway · Beijing)


Zhejiang CPPCC Lianyi calligraphy and painting exhibition (Hangzhou)


Jiangnan ink painting exhibition of famous Chinese painters (Changzhou)


2007 new vision · murun Jiangnan (Hangzhou)


The essence of ink · 2007 China contemporary ink masters Invitation Exhibition (Guangzhou)


Ink painting flying, the first show of art, recommended exhibition of ink painters (Jinhua)


Wanmujinghua, works exchange exhibition of contemporary famous calligraphers and painters (Guangzhou)


Chinese painting exhibition of "commemorating Ye Qianyu's centenary birthday" won Excellent Award


South impression · 2007 Chinese Landscape Painting Invitation Exhibition (Shenzhen)


Oriental ink · the second invitation exhibition of Chinese contemporary ink artists (Beijing · Norway)


Dai Qishun (pen name: Tian Ge) was born in September 1949 in Hongan County, Hubei Province. Hubei people's publishing house, art editor (senior title). Since childhood, he loved literature and art. He was the third educated youth. He had 11 years of experience in mass art, 13 years of honing in newspaper art, and 17 years of experience in book binding art.


Dai Qishun has more than 40 years of art creation career, rich experience in creation, profound painting skills, and wide range of art.


Now he is the Secretary-General and first-class artist of Hubei Academy of Chinese painting, director of China Arts and Crafts Society, member of Hubei Branch of China Artists Association, director of Hubei Academy of calligraphy and painting.


He is a member of Hubei printmaker Association, a member of China Japan Art Exchange Association, and a former vice president of Chibi Academy.


In his early years, Dai Qishun learned from Tang Wenxuan, Wei Yang, Feng Jinsong and other famous painters of the older generation, followed the masters in their artistic practice and then went to Beijing to major in traditional Chinese painting for three years.


Dai Qishun has a broad vision of art, comprehensive cultivation, and many works of different types have won awards at the provincial and national levels.


For decades, he devoted himself to the study of Chinese painting art theory and traditional ink techniques, and advocated to inherit Chinese painting tradition in an all-round way,






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对