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( 中国美术家协会会员 )

 戈湘岚(1904—1964)原名绍苓,又名荃,别署赏神骏斋主、东亭居士,东台安丰人,定居沪上。戈公振之弟。1920年上海美专肄业。中国民主同盟盟员,中国美术家协会及上海分会会员,兼任上海中国画院画师。 戈湘岚是中国的画马大师,曾赢得郭沫若“今之曹霸”的美誉,有行家将其与徐悲鸿并称为“北徐南戈”,代表作有《春耕》、《白马图》、《马》、《斑马》等。

  • 中文名戈湘岚
  • 别名戈绍荃
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地江苏省东台市安丰镇
  • 出生日期1904年
  • 逝世日期1964年
  • 职业画家
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 毕业院校上海美专肄业
  • 主要成就中国美术家协会会员
  • 代表作品《送公粮》《大西南进军》
























戈湘岚众多的画马佳作中,值得推荐的尚有早期作品四条屏《八骏图》,每幅绘骏马两匹,由画友朱渊补景,均结构准确,造型优美,缠绵厮磨者站于高冈,远山逶迤,布局平中见奇,许是长途跋涉后的片刻休憩,结伴饮水聆听水声者有之,顽石堆叠,枯木逢春,似有缕缕清风吹过;草坡食草半卧者有之,枝头红叶片片,俨然秋高气爽郊野邂逅,隔河相望者有之,一黑一白,双骏怡然自得。在画家的笔下,马是充满灵性、富有情感的,同大自然和谐相处,同人类相依为命,透过这些颇有人情味的画面,人们崇尚天人合一、人物共生的希冀愈发显得真诚和可贵。 《八骏图》的问世,还让识者领略到两位画家在艺术风格上能如此妥切、融洽,天作之合,画坛罕见。 






English Introduction

 Born in 1904.


In 1919 (15 years old), he was admitted to the western painting department by the first prize in the examination.


In 1920, he learned from the design of the printing shop of the commercial press and learned the design of "he" brand pigment trademark, which is the design of 20s.


Since 1921, graphic design has been carried out in the picture section of the printing Hall of the commercial press.


In 1932, he set up a school friend library club with his friends. He served as deputy manager and director of wall charts department. He was engaged in the compilation and publishing of teaching wall charts.


In January 28, 1932, the Japanese aggressor troops attacked the enemy. He personally published a group of publicity maps for the war of resistance against Japan, which inspired the patriotic enthusiasm of the whole city.


After the "August 1 three" incident in 1937, it became enemy enemy occupied area. Japanese gendarmes arrested him for publishing a wall map of the Songhu War. When I am out of town, I am lucky to escape the disaster.


In 1938, the Japanese authorities refused to compile educational wall charts to promote enslavement education services. Begin to learn Chinese painting.


In 1940, he held the first personal painting exhibition in Zhao Shuru, and was accepted as an entry student.


In 1942, to avoid war disaster, the whole family stayed away from home.


In 1946, the creation of "Shenjun Yangshou".


In 1949, after the liberation of China, the Greater China Library Bureau was appointed editor in chief.


In 1955, he entered the science and Technology Publishing House, responsible for drawing work.


In 1956, he was appointed director of the editing department of Education Photo publishing house, and was employed as a painter by Shanghai Chinese Academy of painting. He was the director of the Third Editorial Office of the post education press.


Since 1961, he has been in charge of the illustration group of the plant section in the editorial department of Cihai.


He was editor of the education press in 1962.


In March 1964, when the "white horse map" was made in the history Hall of the knives and knives Association, the gallstone attack died early.


Ge Xianglan is famous for drawing horses and is good at feathers, flowers, fish and insects, animals and animals. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, he went deep into life with full creative enthusiasm, explored themes, and integrated traditional brushwork into the light and shadow rendering of Western paintings, devoted himself to realistic thematic creation. Looking at its art, it is undoubtedly a part-time horse with different manners that has made outstanding achievements.


From the analysis of his disciple, the Chinese painting masters in the past dynasties were widely dabbled in various structures, such as the Han Dynasty in Zhao Songxue in the Tang Dynasty. They were very fat and full of bones and posture. In the Song Dynasty, they were diligent in observing, creating "all the days without going to the world" and creating the "law and God" in the Yuan Dynasty, such as "the preparation of the law and the end of God", and the Qing Dynasty's wave of Zhao Songxue. Lang Shining, a city painter, pays attention to the realistic skills of structure and volume, and his master Zhao Shulu's fine silk hair, special scenery matching skills, etc. After his choice and identification, he gathers the pen-ends one by one to form his early paintings of horses with fine, graceful body, elegant scenery, and late record indulgence. He often paints horses with large ink-splashing strokes with distinct personality.




In gurhshan's "map of horses", the artist even drew hundreds of horses in a meticulous manner, including white horse, dark horse, Huang Piaoma, flower zebra and snow blue horse. In the vast grasslands, or gathering or dispersing, or struggling to gallop, or raising mans or hoarse, or competing with each other, or catching and playing, all shapes and spirits are compatible, and temperament and interest are harmonious. In terms of expressive techniques, the outline is refined, rigid, flexible, and elegant, and the reality and reality are mutually present.




Among Ge Xianglan's many excellent horse paintings, there are still four screens of "Eight Juntu" worth recommending. Each painting has two horses, supplemented by his painter Zhu Yuan, with accurate structure, beautiful shape, lingering grinders standing on high hills, rolling mountains, and plain layout. Perhaps it is a moment of rest after a long journey, accompanied by drinking water to listen to the sound of water, stubborn stones stacked, withered trees in spring. It seems that there are wisps of wind blowing through the grass, and grass on the grass and half lying on the grass. There are red leaves on the branches, which seem to be crisp and crisp in the countryside. In the painter's works, horses are full of spirituality and emotion, live in harmony with nature and depend on human beings. Through these human-friendly pictures, people's desire to advocate the unity of nature and human beings and the symbiosis of characters is becoming more sincere and valuable. The appearance of "eight Jun diagram" has also made the artists understand the two artists in the artistic style so perfectly and harmoniously.


Splashing ink and galloping horses


Ge Xiang Lan's paintings can be said to be flowers, birds and beasts. They are especially good at painting horses. Lang Shining's style of painting is western style. The Yangzhou Museum once collected a splash horse after he won the war of resistance against Japan. After seeing it very much, Mr. Yu wrote a preface to it. He said, "rush like electricity, hissing like thunder, empty has Hua Zhi Zhi, where to try frost hoof."


Goxianglan Painting Dog


"Ge Jun paints like a tiger, with the same brush as his teacher. They carry rampant barracks to drive away the foals and hunt frost wind in October in the paddock. (Chen Hanguang)


Its works are banned from export by the State Cultural Department






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对