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 艺术家徐操 (1899—1961)字燕孙,我国著名的人物画家。河北深县徐家湾人,生于北京。画艺娴熟,弟子众多,主要擅长画人物故事、古装仕女,工笔、写意、白描、重彩,样样精能。

  • 中文名徐操
  • 别名霜红楼主
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地北京
  • 出生日期1899年
  • 逝世日期1961年11月4日
  • 职业画家
  • 代表作品 《兵车行》,《丽人行》

 徐操 (1899—1961)字燕孙,别号霜红楼主,又号霜红龛主、中秋生。斋号霜红楼、寒水堂、归燕楼等。原名存昭,清光绪二十五年(己亥,1899年)农历八月十五日(公历9月20日)生于北京。祖籍河北深县徐家湾,但自其曾祖无相来京经营供御绸缎已历四世。

两岁丧母,由祖母庆氏(满族)抚养,7岁至15岁在家馆中先后从3位塾师读书,打下了深厚的旧学根底。15岁时,考入了求实中学,毕业前后,一次他看京剧《战宛城》,联系曹操的雄才大略由衷钦佩,为了自我激励,乃改名徐操。 自幼痴迷书画,初随民间画师学习。渐长,拜宫廷画家管念慈为师。后又追随俞明(涤烦)学画。










English Introduction

 Xu Cao (1899 - 1961) Yansun, nicknamed Frost Red Building Master, Frost Red Niche Master and Mid-Autumn Festival Sheng. Frost Red Building, Cold Water Hall, Guiyan Building, etc. The original name is Zhao Zhao, twenty-five years of Qing Dynasty (June, 1899) and the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar (September 20th). His native place is xujiawan, a deep county in Hebei, but since its great ancestor came to Beijing to run Silk and satin for four generations.


The two-year-old lost his mother and was raised by his grandmother, Qing Shi (Manchu). From the age of 7 to 15, he studied in the library successively from three school teachers, laying a solid foundation for his old studies. When he was 15 years old, he was admitted to a practical middle school. Before graduation, he once watched Beijing Opera "Zhan Wan Cheng". He really admired his great talent and talent, and changed his name to Xu Cao for self motivation. Since childhood, he was obsessed with painting and calligraphy and began to learn from folk painters. Gradually, the palace painter mindful of mercy as a teacher. Later, he followed Yu Ming (Di Fan) to learn painting.


In 1920, the "Chinese Painting Research Society" was founded. Xu Cao joined the first batch of members and became the core member of the research society. But Xu Cao did not seem to have the intention to "sniff" the world. So in the next year of the office of the general secretary of the presidential palace, he entered the undergraduate course of the special law of the central politics and law. After two years (1922), Xu Shichang went out of the way. Xu Cao also went away and studied at the special school of politics and law.


From the thirteen years of Republic of China (1924) to the fifteen years of the Republic of China (1926), Xu Cao painted art day, and his works have participated in the two "Sino Japanese painting joint exhibition", which has become the commentary of the Chinese Painting Research Society and began to paint. In 1926, with the son of Jin Bei Lou, Jin Qian set up another "Lake Club". Besides participating in art exhibitions and painting studies, he also published stories and illustrations of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and other publications in the Journal of Yilin journal and lake society monthly.


However, Xu Cao's ambition to give up his pen and serve his ambitions has not been fulfilled. He was appointed to the first division of the Tianjin garrison division in 1928 (seventeen) in the Republic of China (1928). In the early 1930s, he embarked on the life journey of painting as his career.


In 1930s, he was appointed professor of Peiping National Art College and JINGWAH Academy of fine arts. Wu Guangyu, Liu Lingcang, Wang Shuhui and Pinto are all their favorite students. But soon she resigned from her teaching duties and became a professional painter in 30s and 40s twentieth Century. In 1935, Zhang Daqian came to Xu Yansun, and he was not convinced by each other. He pushed a wave of trouble against the dark.


After the founding of new China, it actively participated in the creation of comic strips advocated by the government. In 1953, he was elected vice chairman of the Chinese painting research society, deputy director of the Chinese painting group, member of the Chinese Artists Association's creative Committee, and a fellow of the National Academy of Fine Arts in 1954. In 1956, he was involved in the preparations for the establishment of the Chinese Academy of painting. In 1957, the Academy of painting was founded as vice president and vice president of the Chinese Painting Research Association. Here, he organized and participated in the historical creation of peace, ode to the Yangtze River, and created a large number of comic books, such as the three dozen Zhu Jia Zhuang and the fire burn.


In 1957, he was wrongly assigned to the right, and almost stopped his artistic creation. The comic strip Qu Yuan was not published. He died in November 4, 1961 and was buried in the second cemetery of Lishui bridge in Beijing.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对