孙维国1963年出生于吉林省大安县,祖籍山东莱州,1986年毕业于吉林艺术学院美术系,现为中国美术家协会理事、吉林省美术家协会副主席、吉林省美术家协会秘书长、国家一级美术师兼任中国长城书画院艺术委员会委员,吉林省文联委员,长春市美术家协会副主席。并获“吉林省优秀社团工作者”“长春市有突出贡献专家”、“长春市劳动模范”,部分作品入选“第八届全国美展”,“第十二届全国美展”“第四、第五届全国体育美展”、“第十五届全国版画展”、“第二届中国美协会员中国画精品展”“走进西藏美术作品展” “中国梦·塑造新形象美术作品展”等全国展览。作品在中国美术家协会主办的展览中获以下奖项:在纪念“五四”80周年“中国当代青年书画展”中作品《孙中山》获二等奖,在“正义·和平国际美展”中作品《血染白山黑水》获特别奖,在“全国第九届大路画展”中作品《创业》获铜奖,在“纪念毛泽东同志在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话发表六十周年·全国美术作品展——吉林展区”中作品《向日追阳》获优秀奖、在“第三届全国少数民族美术作品展”中作品《吉祥高原》获优秀奖,并在省美展中分别获一、二、三等奖。
Sun Weiguo was born in Da'an County, Jilin Province, in 1963. He was born in Laizhou, Shandong Province. He graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, Jilin Academy of Art in 1986. He is currently the director of the Chinese Artists Association, the vice-chairman of the Jilin Artists Association, the Secretary-General of the Jilin Artists Association, and the first-level artist of the State. He is also a member of the Arts Committee of the Great Wall Academy of Member of Provincial Culture Federation and Vice-Chairman of Changchun Artists Association. Some of his works were selected as "Eighth National Art Exhibition", "Twelfth National Art Exhibition", "Fourth and Fifth National Sports Art Exhibition", "Fifteenth National Print Exhibition", "Second Chinese Art Association". National exhibitions such as Exhibition of Excellent Chinese Paintings, Exhibition of Art Works Entering Tibet, Exhibition of Art Works Creating New Images of Chinese Dreams, etc. His works won the following prizes in the exhibition sponsored by the Chinese Artists Association: Sun Yat-sen won the second prize in commemorating the 80th anniversary of the May 4th "Chinese Contemporary Youth Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition", "Sun Yat-sen" won the second prize in "Justice and Peace International Art Exhibition", "Blood-stained White Mountains and Black Water" won the special prize, and "Ninth National Highway Painting Exhibition".《 Pioneering Work won a bronze prize. In commemoration of the sixtieth anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong's speech at the Yan'an Literature and Art Symposium, the National Art Exhibition-Jilin Exhibition Area, his work "Chasing the Sun" won an excellent prize, and his work "Auspicious Plateau" won an Excellent Prize in the Third National Minority Art Exhibition, as well as in the provincial Art Exhibition. They won first, second and third prizes respectively.
Publishing "Artist Sun Weiguo", "Sun Weiguo's Works Collection" and "Sun Weiguo's Personal Paintings Collection".