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( 中国美术家协会会员 )


  • 中文名孙铁生
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 出生地山东蓬莱
  • 出生日期1930.3
  • 职业中国美术家协会第四届理事
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 主要成就中国美术家协会会员、国家一级美术师
  • 代表作品《夜闯珊瑚潭》、《李家庄的变迁》等





孙老的书法也颇见功底,由魏体演变的楷书,俊秀有力,个性风格明显。九十年代始,他先后数次应台湾、香港等地之邀进行艺术交流并举行画 擅长中国画、连环画。

作品有《站起来的人民》、《夜闯珊瑚潭》、《李家庄 的变迁》等。







2011年5月21日,著名连环画家孙铁生从艺65周年书画作品展在上海图书馆开幕。 八十高龄的国家一级美术师孙铁生,曾任江苏省美术家协会驻会秘书长、中国美术家协会第四届理事、中国体育美术促进会理事、台湾书法教育协会顾问等职。他自幼酷爱绘画,从上世纪50年代起先后在江苏省报、省画报担任美术编辑、组长,省人民出版社美术编辑室副主任。创作了大量连环画、插画、宣传画、年画作品,在全国各大报刊发表,并在北京人民美术出版社、上海人民美术出版社等出版社出版了40余部连环画,如《火种》《红嫂》《夜袭敌兵站》《李家庄的变迁》《特级英雄黄继光》等,有的发行量达百万份以上,在读者中产生了较大影响。



Introduction in English

 Sun Tiesheng (1930.3 -) was from Penglai, Shandong Province. He is a member of China Artists Association and a first-class national artist. He was the Secretary-General of Jiangsu Association of Fine Arts, the fourth director of China Artists Association, the director of China Sports and Fine Arts Promotion Association, and the consultant of Taiwan Calligraphy Education Association.


Sun Lao loved painting since childhood. Before the founding of New China, he took part in work and moved from the army to the local area. In the 1950s and 1960s, he worked as an art editor and group leader in provincial newspapers and pictorial newspapers successively. As early as the 1950s, he had more than 40 comic books and created illustrations for more than 20 literary and artistic works. He was one of the excellent comic illustrators in the painting circle at that time.


In the late 1970s, when Sun Lao-sen was deputy secretary-general of Jiangsu Branch of China Artists Association, he devoted himself to the creation and research of Chinese figure paintings and created a number of historical, mythological and Taoist figure paintings.


Sun Lao has worked with all his predecessors, such as Fu Baoshi, Qian Songyi, Yaming, Song Wenzhi and Wei Zixi for many years. For 60 years, Sun Lao has drawn on the strengths of various families and made great efforts to govern them. His works have become one of his own and become a great instrument.


Sun Lao was modest, honest and upright. More than forty comic book manuscripts painted during the Cultural Revolution were put to the torch, and his pains were exhausted. After 1978, Sun Lao robbed the rest of his life, put on his clothes again, rejuvenated his artistic youth, worked hard and plowed deeply. With the iron sword in hand, the essence of Chinese figure painting is reshaped. Sun Tiesheng combines traditional Chinese figure painting with landscape techniques. His portraits of Guanyin, Damo, Zhongkui, Quyuan and other traditional Chinese characters either drive away evil, upright, or Nafu Yingxiang, elegant, agile and varied. The image of Zhongkui in his works is solemn, dignified, more humane and lovable. 。


Sun Lao's calligraphy is also very successful. The regular script evolved from Wei style is handsome and powerful, and has obvious personality style. Since the 1990s, he has held several art exchanges at the invitation of Taiwan, Hong Kong and other places, and he is good at Chinese painting and comic strips.


His works include The People Standing Up, Running through the Coral Pool at Night, and The Change of Li Jiazhuang.


On the morning of October 30, 2010, Sun Tiesheng Art Museum opened. Former chairman of Penglai Municipal Consultative Conference Luo Renkang, Penglai Municipal Culture, Radio and Television Press and Publication Bureau, Penglai Municipal Literary Federation and Chinese Landscape Painting Research Institute, Jiangsu Academy of Art, Jiangsu Academy of Chinese Culture Promotion, Jiangsu Artists Association, Jiangsu Calligrapher Association, Jiangsu Hongyuan Embroidery Research Institute, and dozens of other leaders and experts participate The opening ceremony was added.


Sun Tiesheng Art Museum is situated on the South Bank of Jishui Lake, Sanxianshan Scenic Spot, adjacent to Yingzhou Academy. It is a single double-storey classical building with carved beams, painted buildings and elegant simplicity. The exhibition area is about 330 square meters, divided into upper and lower floors. The second floor is the main exhibition room, which exhibits Mr. Sun Tiesheng's paintings and calligraphy, as well as more than 100 manuscripts. At the same time, it collects various books, magazines and large picture albums published by Mr. Sun Tiesheng at home and abroad. The first floor is the Deputy exhibition room, which mainly exhibits the inscriptions of famous personages from all walks of life for Sun Tiesheng Art Museum and the works of Sun Lao's close friends in the art circle.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对