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  • 中文名徐晋平
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地山西太原
  • 出生日期1960年
  • 职业中国美术家协会会员,山西省美术家协会副主席
  • 主要成就国家一级美术师
诗意的胸怀 徐晋平笔触下的神形无界-艺术看得见

 徐晋平,男,1960年生于山西太原。自幼习画,早年开始接受系统的绘画教学与熏陶,师从花鸟画大师张立辰先生,至今已有超过40年的绘画经历。现为中国美术家协会会员、山西省美术家协会副主席、山西 省文联委员、国家一级美术师、董寿平艺术研究会副会长,《水墨视界》艺术研究院副院长兼秘书长、北京凤凰岭书院张立辰工作室画家。山西大众书画院常务副院长、秘书长。现供职于人民代表报社。




徐晋平先生自幼习画, 在过去40余年的绘画生涯中一直坚持立足传统,多面尝试,力求创新的艺术创作精神。徐晋平在美术院校学习时接受了专业的油画训练,得到了良好的艺术氛围熏陶,其油画作品也多次在国内外知名展览中展出,得到了各界良好的反响,成绩斐然。徐先生后期转攻中国花鸟画,大胆结合西画中奇肆的想象力与传统国画中朴野的表现手法,为古老的中国花鸟画作品注入了新鲜的生机与活力。


其众多的国画表现对象中,徐晋平先生尤其擅长画荷花。 荷者, 和也,又名莲, 莲者,廉也,古有周敦颐“出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”的《爱莲说》之赞词。在中国,荷花所传递的人文含义很丰富,大多以高洁清廉的形象示人,而徐晋平先生偏用浓墨重彩的“小写意”手法,传承徐渭虚谷吴昌硕等人的风格,又加入自己对大自然尤物的理解,折射出恣意的神采与大胆的想象力,堪称元气淋漓,妙境悠然。在他最知名的《香远益清》、《荷塘清趣》以及《秋韵图》等作品中,徐晋平先生都倾注了大量的心血和“法无定法”的绘画观念,收到了专业人士的多次好评。




 2005年 12月,与崔俊恒、王玉玺举办山西当代七人展;


2006年 与北京、山西等十二位书画家举办“水墨视界”走进大寨书画展;


2007年 “水墨视界”与崔俊恒、王玉玺举办走进平遥画展;






2012年 7月,与张根虎、张旭光举办“张根虎十二人书画友情展”;


2013年 与全国百位美协主席举办走进798;







Introduction in English

 A Brief Introduction to Art


Xu Jinping, male, was born in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province in 1960. Studying painting at an early age, he began to receive systematic teaching and edification of painting. He was taught by Mr. Zhang Lichen, a master of flower and bird painting, and has had more than 40 years of painting experience so far. Now he is a member of China Artists Association, vice-chairman of Shanxi Artists Association, member of Shanxi Provincial Literary Union, national first-class artist, vice-chairman of Dong Shouping Art Research Association, vice-president and secretary-general of the Art Research Institute of Ink Vision, and painter of Zhang Lichen Studio of Beijing Fenghuangling Academy. Standing Vice President and Secretary-General of Shanxi Popular Academy of Calligraphy and Painting. He is currently working for the People's Representative Newspaper.


In 2012, he was selected as "30 flower and bird painters with the most academic value and market potential in contemporary China". His works were published in Art Daily, Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Newspaper, Art Magazine, People's Daily, Art Mirror Newspaper, Central Painting and Calligraphy Channel, Art Life of Huanghe TV Station and Chinese Art. It was published in magazines such as Reporting and Contemporary Masters.


Mr. Xu Jinping has been studying painting since childhood. In his painting career over the past 40 years, he has been sticking to the spirit of artistic creation based on tradition, trying in many ways and striving for innovation. Xu Jinping received professional oil painting training while studying in art academies and was edified by a good artistic atmosphere. His oil paintings were also exhibited in many well-known exhibitions at home and abroad, which received good response from all walks of life and achieved remarkable results. Mr. Xu later turned to Chinese flower and bird painting, boldly combining the fantastic imagination in Western painting with the simple and wild expression in traditional Chinese painting, injecting fresh vitality and vitality into the ancient Chinese flower and bird painting works.


Among the many objects of Chinese painting, Mr. Xu Jinping is especially good at painting lotus. The Lotus, Heye, also known as Lotus, Lotus, Lian Ye, Lian Ye. In ancient times, Zhou Dunyi praised "Lotus Says" that "out of the mud but not stained, Lian Qing Lian but not demon". In China, lotus flowers convey rich humanistic meanings, mostly in the image of noble and honest, while Mr. Xu Jinping prefers to inherit the style of Xu Wei, Xugu, Wu Changshuo and others by using the colorful "small freehand brushwork" technique. He also joins his own understanding of nature, reflecting his unconscious spirit and bold imagination. It is full of vigor and beauty. In his most famous works, such as Xiangyuan Yiqing, Lotus Pond Qingqu and Autumn Rhyme Picture, Mr. Xu Jinping has devoted a lot of effort and the concept of "law is not fixed", and has received many praises from professionals.


Over the past two years, Mr. Xu Jinping's paintings have made many good achievements in the auction market, which is the result of the warming trend of the Chinese flower and bird painting market, and also the reason why Mr. Xu's paintings have attracted great attention. Its intriguing interpretation and expression of lotus, as well as how flowers generally adhere to the integrity of the artist's character, make it grow rapidly in the Chinese flower and bird painting industry, and gradually become a new group of leading figures.


Paul Mauriat's History


In December 2005, Shanxi Contemporary Seven People Exhibition was held with Cui Junheng and Wang Yuxi.


In 2006, he held an exhibition with twelve calligraphers and painters in Beijing, Shanxi and so on.


In 2007, "Ink and Wash Vision" and Cui Junheng and Wang Yuxi held an exhibition to enter Pingyao.


With Bi Jianxun and Li Naizhou, the exhibition of 12 contemporary Chinese paintings was held in Songzhuang.


On September 10, 2007, October 2009 and October 2012, Zhao Guozhu held three consecutive "Friendship Exhibition of Calligraphy and Painting of Five People in Jinyang";


In July 2012, Zhang Genhu and Zhang Xuguang held the "Twelve People Calligraphy and Painting Friendship Exhibition of Zhang Genhu".


In 2013, it held 798 with 100 chairmen of the National Association of Arts.


In April, he went to Indonesia with the Beijing Golden Colour Library of China Artistic Association to hold the exchange exhibition of Chinese painting into Indonesia.


In June, he went to Bahrain with the China International Exchange Center to attend the exhibition of Chinese famous paintings "Ink Focus" held on the World United Nations Civil Service Administration Day.


He has visited France, Italy, Egypt, South Africa, India and other countries for exhibition exchanges.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对