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( 中国美术家协会理事 )


  • 中文名王成喜
  • 别名王成林
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍河南省洧川县
  • 出生地河南省洧川县
  • 出生日期1940年
  • 职业画家、艺术家
  • 协会中国美术家协会,中国书法家协会
  • 毕业院校中央工艺美术学院
  • 主要成就擅长花鸟画,梅花作品闻名海内外
  • 代表作品《王成喜画梅辑》、《王成喜百梅辑》、《中国画家王成喜》
王成喜 尽显高洁清雅 陈广文画梅花

中国美术网 09-17 浏览


王成喜 ,系中国美术家协会会员,烟台市美术家协会副主席,山东省新闻美术家协会副主席,山东省漫画家协会副主席,烟台画院特聘教授。已在国内外报刊发表作品5000余幅,获奖200余次。作品曾在日本、比利时、伊朗、韩国、俄罗斯、南斯拉夫、克罗地亚、土耳其、波兰以及香港、澳门和台湾等地出版和展览。先后参加全军美展及第七届、第八届和第九届全国美展。著有《王成喜漫画集》、《禅思抱散》(与贾平凹合作)、《长岛渔家乐图卷》、《王成喜漫画精选》(第一卷),多幅作品和小传被收入《中国现代美术全集》等国内外近百种辞典图书,百余种报刊专题专版介绍,许多作品先后被丰子恺艺术馆、蒲华美术馆及国内外博物馆所收藏。新作36米长卷《渔家乐》被国家文物鉴定委员会副主任委员、著名鉴赏家史树青盛赞为“写生妙笔,今日上河”的“国宝”;被中央美术学院教授、著名画家孙滋溪题之为“与宋画《清明上河图》有异曲同工之妙“的佳作。并以中国画直画之最入选“基尼斯世界纪录”。









English Introduction

Wang Chengxi, Department of Chinese Artists Association, vice chairman of Yantai Artists Association, vice chairman of Shandong province news Artists Association, vice chairman of the Shandong Provincial Association of cartoonists, distinguished professor of Yantai academy. Has published more than 5000 works at home and abroad newspapers, winning more than 200 times. The works have been published and exhibited in Japan, Belgium, Iran, Korea, Russia, Yugoslavia, Croatia, Turkey, Poland and Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan. The army has participated in art exhibition and the seven session of the eighth session, and the Ninth National Art exhibition. The author of "Wang Chengxi", "Zen comics hold San" (with Jia Pingwa), "Long Island", "fishing music by Wang Chengxi comics featured" (Volume 1), a number of works and biography is "modern art" China income at home and abroad nearly 100 kinds of dictionary books, hundreds of newspapers and special edition introduction many works have been, Feng Zikai Art Museum, art museum and Pu Hua Museum collection. The new 36 meters long scroll "fishing music" was praised as vice chairman of the National Heritage Commission to identify the famous connoisseur Shi Shuqing "painting pen, today on the river" "national treasure"; was a professor at China Central Academy of Fine Arts, the famous painter Sun Zixi title "with the Song Dynasty painting" the painting scroll "wonderful" masterpiece have different approaches but equally satisfactory results. And to Chinese painting painting of the most direct in the Guinness World records".
Mr. Wang Chengxi painted freehand calligraphy, his official script, running script, especially good at painting plum, Wang Chengxi plum figure is popular is because the artists broke the world fixed thinking of the plum, plum is not thin, thin, small is beautiful, no longer indulge in self-admiration, no longer as cold beauty.
Under Wang Chengxi's pen, plum belongs to the new era, it should be full and round, it should be colorful, it should be colorful brilliant, it should convey a Yuecuoyueyong fighting spirit, should inspire the world, encouraging China.
Wang Chengxi the giant plum masterpiece in Beijing's Zhongnanhai qinzheng (Politburo meeting room), Tiananmen square, the central hall of the Great Hall of the people on the third floor of the central hall, Diaoyutai State Guest House, Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, the Ministry of foreign affairs of your living room, the main position of the presidential palace, the palace has many, Congress and other important places abroad display suspension.
And the domestic and foreign many art galleries, museums, collections of celebrities, including a huge suspension in Japan's house of your living room (200cm * 400cm) plum "sweet" Yuantu, is the only flying Japanese in Congress a foreigner painting became a symbol of Sino Japanese friendship.
In the art of Wang Chengxi to study excellent traditional painting and calligraphy, Chinese into life, combined with the reality, absorb many methods of Western painting, he formed a vivid, fresh, elegant style, Wang Chengxi since 1980, has been invited to Japan, Singapore, Canada, Germany, Holland, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan other solo exhibitions and art exchanges of more than 30 times.
Among them, in 1990 by President Huang Jinhui met with the "Wang Chengxi Art Exhibition" in Singapore, 1993 Chen Lifu, Jiang Weiguo two Mr. Lian invited, held in Taipei Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall "Wang Chengxi Bai Mei", jointly launched the 1995 Japan junior Yasuhiro Nakasone and Takeshita To, Yuan Jian, Gotoda Masaharu, Hiiwa Toshi, his four member Elan six prominent politicians.
Wang Chengxi in Kyoto, Japan set up a "painting of the primary fragrance far Club of Wang Chengxi". Taichung City in Taiwan set up a permanent "Wang Chengxi painting and calligraphy exhibition room" dedicated display. Taiwan art writers sixteenth gold medal of artistic achievement.

Mr. Wang Chengxi wrote "Wang Chengxi", "Wang Chengxi Mei painting series", "100 Meiji Chinese", "painter Wang Chengxi painting and calligraphy", "Wang Chengxi likes painting", "Wang Chengxi Mei selected works of calligraphy and painting series", "Cheng Xi" and other 10 kinds of painting plum selection.
Beijing City Artists Association and audio-visual publishing house is a 90 minute video and CD techniques "Wang Chengxi painting plum"; the Beijing Press published in 1988 12 folio "Wang Chengxi" series of painting plum, since its publication, annual edition, printed annually, has been reprinted 11 times, record the National Publishing Book reprint most of his works were every year; many press printed calendars, greeting cards, New Year paintings, the number of issued

Cheng Xi's paintings have a solid foundation of calligraphy, based on traditional techniques, to the Western perspective, shading, texture, spatial representation into Chinese painting interest, in pursuit of vivid artistic effect, he formed a vivid and popular artistic style. The work is permeated with the spirit of the times, open up a fresh outlook, to the vitality of the enjoyment of beauty. -- Dong Shouping
And he (Wang Chengxi) talk, he would laugh, laugh like lumps in the river with a real impact, thick water, with earthy, laughing like Mei Kai Wufu, how to see how happy. -- Chen Zufen
A simple and honest face of Wang Chengxi without the artist's shelf, Yanjianyuzhuo, but gentle amiable. I believe that he is the kind of hand only a steamed bun will break off to a friend more than half of the people. -- Ye Wenling
Wang Chengxi teacher sincere guileless, there is a natural affinity. -- Liu Wenjie
Wang Chengxi has inherited the song and Yuan Mei you painting techniques, and unique nature, rich in rich, dense in Seiitsu culvert. So, although his paintings of flowers were scattered everywhere, but the feeling is a full of vigour of the spirit, but not vulgar sense of strange black red, always put the literati paintings that bleak mood swept away cold plum. His plum blossom is the accession to the WTO, is healthy. -- Qin Lingyun
Mr Wang Chengxi may draw more than 40 years, his painting art in the art world, Mei popular folk, has become an independent school. It's a masterpiece of raspberry, or size pieces of broken branches, or Chunmei, or under the earth, Mei Mei, ice cliffs, everywhere in our daily life. The solemn hall hanging "Baochun figure", the sacred tower "all spring" students, busy Jing Yan placed "sweet Yuantu". The mainland fragrant plum 10000, cross strait exhibition 100 Mei, the root node plum heart. The reputation of sunrise, fragrant. -- Yang Lizhou
We should note that a hi Mei no extraordinary ancient literati and indulge in self-admiration masquerade. But the flower plump and full, bright, full of burning through a tree, full of passion. Even in the air of snowflakes, and survive the winter spring plum! The ancient painting, art, writing this spring a few people? This spring Mei and Mei Chun, is to open out the pen like flowers, but also the land everywhere era flower. -- Feng Jicai






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对