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( 中国美术家协会会员 )

 支林,男,1962年2月生,江西南昌人。江西科技师范大学设计艺术学院院长, 二级教授,博士生导师,享受国务院特殊津贴,中国陶瓷设计艺术大师,江西省美术家协会副主席,G7中国设计联盟副主席,江西省“井冈学者”特聘教授,江西省“赣鄱英才555工程”文化领军人才,被收入《中国专家人名辞典》,国家社科基金艺术学重大项目评委会评委,中国工艺美术大师评委,中国设计年鉴编委,中国美术家协会会员,中国工艺美术学会漆艺专业委员会副秘书长,中国硅酸盐学会陶瓷分会艺术委员会副主任。江西省教育厅艺术委员会副主任。江西省高等学校教学名师,江西省高等学校中青年学科带头人,江西省文化艺术学科带头人,入选江西省新世纪百千万人才工程,江西省书画院特聘画家,景德镇陶瓷大学客座教授。

  • 中文名支林
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 祖籍江西南昌人
  • 出生日期1962年2月生
  • 协会中国美术家协会

2015年为江南三大名楼之一的滕王阁创作了“豫章四景”四幅大型漆壁画,收藏于滕王阁主楼,为江西南昌的历史文化做出了贡献。 2017年为青云谱区汪大渊纪念广场创作了汪大渊雕塑,占地面积225平方米,高约12米,成为了南昌“一带一路”历史文化的新名片。

English Introduction

 Zhilin, born in 1962, from Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, is a member of the Communist Party of China with a master's degree. Dean of the School of Art and Design, Jiangxi Normal University of Science and Technology, Professor II, Master Tutor, Professor of Jinggang Scholar, Jiangxi Province.

In 2011 and 2012, ceramics "Land of Fish and Rice" and "Lianyu Tu" were awarded the Gold Prize of "Hundred Flowers Award of Chinese Arts and Crafts", "Harvest Season" and "Home" of Zhilin Ceramics in 2013, respectively. They were invited to participate in the exhibition of Chinese Ceramics Art Exhibition - "Water and Earth" held by UNESCO Headquarters Building in Paris, France. "The Art of Fire" is collected by UNESCO.

In 2013, the oil painting "Hongcun Sketch Series" won the International Gold Prize of the World Chinese Art Exhibition. In 2014, the oil painting "Gathering Home" won a special prize at the Salon Exhibition on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France in the Louvre, France. In 2018, he was invited to participate in the "Hot Land, Dream Pursuit - National Oil Painting Artists Invitation Exhibition" and exhibited nearly 70 works. Professor Zhilin's works Tribes and Love Net were exhibited. "Love Net" uses bold colors and exquisite techniques; the picture of "Tribe" is empty, solid, strong and light complement each other, and the combination of tradition and "wild" perfectly reproduces the customs and customs of primitive tribes. Professor Zhilin's works, which are well-known at home and abroad and well-loved by people, have led the development of the discipline in the form of new oil painting language, and attracted many older generations of artists to stop and watch. Professor Zhi Lin said that he would keep in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's teaching, never forget his original intention and continue to move forward. We should take root in the people's lives, reflect the people's good wishes and praise the prosperity of the motherland.

Oil painting language forms lead the development of disciplines, enjoying high visibility at home and abroad, and are deeply loved by people, attracting many older generations of artists to wait and see. Professor Zhi Lin said that he would keep in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's teaching, never forget his original intention and continue to move forward. We should take root in the people's lives, reflect the people's good wishes and praise the prosperity of the motherland.

In 2015, Tengwang Pavilion, one of the three famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River, created four large-scale lacquer murals of "Four Views of Yuzhang", which were collected in the main building of Tengwang Pavilion and contributed to the history and culture of Southwest Changjiang. In 2017, Wang Dayuan sculpture was created for Wang Dayuan Memorial square in Qingyun District, covering an area of 225 square meters and about 12 meters high. It has become a new business card of Nanchang's "one belt and one road" history and culture.

In the promotion of various fields of art, Mr. Zhilin made great efforts to promote the horizontal integration of artistic creation, art education, social benefits and economic benefits. He planned and organized the First Oriental Lacquer Art Academic Forum of China and the 2015 Jiangxi Contemporary Art Annual Exhibition, and carefully combed the survival of Chinese contemporary art activities. Current situation and academic achievements, and think about trying to renew ideas, open context, independent attitude and stand to pay attention to and intervene in various fields such as culture, politics, economy, life; and strive to build relevant channels to closely integrate the cultural output of colleges and universities with the promotion and dissemination of the market, so as to enhance the development of Chinese art and domestic. Interactive communication at all levels. These exhibitions have contributed to the prosperity of various art community exhibitions, which are competing to emulate, and have made far-reaching demonstration hints for the future development of culture and art industry.

Mr. Zhilin is a passionate artist. In the 1980s, the social environment, ideal and enlightenment spirit of the times penetrated his artistic growth. As a result, his works of art produced an ordinary sense of relaxation, a sense of freedom from restraint, a completely bare body under the thorn of thorns, blood boiling vitality. This is a kind of deep existence. He breaks through the logical network of causality, touches the pain point of existence, and finds a deeper and hidden way to explore in the prevailing contemporary schema.

Mr. Zhilin is also an outstanding art educator and scholar. As a well-off scholar, he has created great positive energy for Discipline Construction and academic atmosphere since he became president. As a provincial key discipline and high-level discipline group, the College is outstanding. In terms of business philosophy, he gradually got rid of the narrow technical limitations, and had valuable experience and unique insights in students'ideological conduct and professional quality. He teaches students to penetrate art and technology into their professional fields and advocates the extension of art to all levels. He believes that everything can not be separated from art. Art makes people energetic, enterprising and positive. The introduction of art education into subjective teaching is not only the inheritance of techniques, techniques and techniques, but also the promotion of healthy and orderly development of the whole society. This makes his Academy of Fine Arts different from the general colleges and universities, and has gained vigor and vitality.

In terms of skill teaching and talent training, Mr. Zhilin has trained more than 50 graduate students, and the research team of ceramics and lacquer painting has gradually matured.

In the discipline construction of colleges and universities. Mr. Zhilin led the team to work hard, so that the unit's fine arts disciplines were successively approved as key disciplines in Jiangxi Province's "Tenth Five-Year Plan" and "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" colleges and universities, as well as the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" demonstration master's degree program in Jiangxi Province's high schools (the only one in Jiangxi Province's art category); two subjects were awarded the second Prize for Jiangxi Province's educational achievements; and vigorously promoted“ "Design Science" has become a high-level innovation platform project of Jiangxi universities ("311" project), which promotes the development of art disciplines in Jiangxi universities and promotes the new development of Jiangxi education.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对