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( 中国美术家协会会员 )

 王赞 1959年5月生于江苏扬州2000年中国美术学院中国画系研究生毕业,获硕士学位。 2000级中国美术学院美术学博士研究生。现任中国美术学院副院长、中国美术学院中国画系副教授、中国美术学院中国画系副主任、中国美术家协会会员、浙江省美术协会理事、浙江省人物画研究会理事。

  • 中文名王赞
  • 别名号木瓜子
  • 性别
  • 出生地江苏扬州
  • 出生日期1959年5月
  • 职业中国美术学院副院长
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 毕业院校中国美术学院中国画系

王赞 1959年5月生于江苏扬州2000年中国美术学院中国画系研究生毕业,获硕士学位。 2000级中国美术学院美术学博士研究生。现任中国美术学院副院长、中国美术学院中国画系副教授、中国美术学院中国画系副主任、中国美术家协会会员、浙江省美术协会理事、浙江省人物画研究会理事。

English Introduction

 Wang Zan was born in May 1959 in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, and graduated from the Department of Chinese Painting, China Academy of Fine Arts in 2000 with a master's degree. Grade 2000 Ph.D. in Fine Arts, China Academy of Fine Arts. He is currently Vice President of China Academy of Fine Arts, Associate Professor of Chinese Painting Department of China Academy of Fine Arts, Vice Director of Chinese Painting Department of China Academy of Fine Arts, Member of China Artists Association, Director of Zhejiang Art Association and Director of Zhejiang Figure Painting Research Association.

In 1989, the Seventy-eighth Anniversary of 1911 was selected as the Seventh National Art Exhibition.

In 1990, "Sky" was selected as the "Second China Sports Art Exhibition".

In 1991, the first solo exhibition was held at the Taiwan Art Center, and a collection of solo paintings was published at the same time.

In 1992, an exhibition of Wang Zan, Liu Wenjie, He Xi and Xu Mo was held in the Chinese Art Museum.

In 1992, Henan People's Fine Arts Publishing House published a special introduction in the "Character Painting Library".

In 1993, "Out of the Valley, Migrating to Trees - Cai Tianpei and Lin Fengmian" was selected as the "First National Chinese Painting Exhibition" and won the "Silver Prize". In 1994, Bingxin, 1923, was selected as the Eighth National Art Exhibition and won the "Bronze Prize" of Zhejiang Art Exhibition.

In 1994, he was awarded the third prize of the Fok Yingdong Education Fund Award (teaching category) of the National Education Commission.

In 1995, "Blood is Thicker than Water - Bethune" was selected as the "Fiftieth Anniversary International Art Exhibition of Justice and Peace, Victory of the Anti-Fascist War" and won the "Silver Prize".

In 1996, at the invitation of Korea International Tea Culture Research Association, he went to Korea to participate in the International Tea Culture Art Exhibition. In 1996, he participated in Exhibition 96 of New Chinese Literati Paintings.

In 1996, he participated in the National Symposium on Figure Painting, sponsored by China Research, and submitted his paper Papaya Grass and Reed Essays. The work "Blood is Thicker than Water - Bethune" was published on the cover of "Research on Chinese Painting". In 1997, he went to Southeast Guizhou and northwest Guizhou to sketch. Create large-scale figure paintings "Shanmin-Shan" and "Shanmin-Shui". In 1997, his works were published in the column "Artists" of Zhejiang Picture Newspaper. In 1997, a special interview with "Character Painter - Wang Zan" was conducted in the Person Interview Program of Hangzhou TV Station. In 1998, Cai Yuanpei, Lin Fengmian, Blood Thicker than Water, Bethune, who moved to trees out of the valley, were compiled into the Chinese Painting Figure Volume of Complete Works of Modern Chinese Art (Part II). In 1998, several works participated in the 1998 Shanghai Biennial Exhibition of Hardship Art. In 1999, at the invitation of the Leipzig International Exhibition Center, Germany, he participated in the "Modern Chinese Ink Painting Exhibition" and visited France, Italy, the Netherlands and Austria. In 1999, several works participated in the "2000 Century Art Retrospective Exhibition of Chengdu Modern Art Exhibition". In 2000, "Blood is Thicker than Water - Bethune" was selected into the Ninth National Art Exhibition and won "Excellent Art Works".

As Vice-President of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts and Professor of the Institute of Plastic Arts, Wang Zan's works used to appear in large-scale exhibitions, and only in that vast public space can they show the striking visual power of these works, "The Seventy-eighth Festival of 1911", "Bingxin 1923", "Blood Thicker than Water - Bai Qiu" En and so on, the work often has a strong sense of proposition and mission; after that, Wang Zan walks outside the narrow studio and focuses his attention on the life and customs of ethnic minorities. The characters in his works "plateau red" and "nostalgia for cocoacili" are tough, rough and tense, which makes you feel that this is life above 5000 meters above sea level. In this exhibition held at Hangzhou Henglu Art Museum, the painter seems more willing to show the viewer his renewed exploration, that is, the literati's freehand character of "worshipping truth" and "advocating interest". These new works, such as Shangluoyi in Spring, Bodhi in Sanskrit Tree and Man Jian in Waterfalls, are not so much full of Sanskrit Chan, but rather the author's experiments on traditional literati paintings.






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