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 陆机(261年-303年),字士衡,吴郡吴县(今江苏苏州)人  。西晋著名文学家、书法家。出身吴郡陆氏,为孙吴丞相陆逊之孙、大司马陆抗第四子,与其弟陆云合称“二陆”,又与顾荣、陆云并称“洛阳三俊”。

  • 中文名陆机
  • 别名陆平原
  • 性别
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍江苏苏州
  • 出生地吴郡横山
  • 出生日期261年
  • 逝世日期303年
  • 职业平原内史、后将军、河北大都督
  • 擅长书法
  • 主要成就西晋诗坛的代表之一,被誉为“太康之英”
  • 代表作品《辨亡论》《平复帖》









元康二年(292年),陆机接连担任太子洗马、著作郎。 他喜欢交游权贵门第,与外戚贾谧亲善,为“金谷二十四友”(一作鲁公二十四友)之一,因而遭到讥讽。














两晋诗坛上承建安、正始,下启南朝,呈现出一种过渡的状态,西晋诗坛以陆机、潘岳为代表,讲究形式,描写繁复,辞采华丽,诗风繁缛。所谓太康诗风就是指以陆、潘为代表的西晋诗风。 [28]  陆机天才秀逸,辞藻宏达佳丽,被誉为“太康之英”。


追求华辞丽藻、描写繁复详尽及大量运用排偶,是太康诗风“繁缛” 特征的主要表现。从文学发展的规律来看,由质朴到华丽,由简单到繁复,是必然的趋势。正如萧统所说:“盖踵其事而增华,变其本而加厉,物既有之,文亦宜然。”陆、潘发展了曹植“辞采华茂”的一面,对中国诗歌的发展是有贡献的,对南朝山水诗的发展及声律、对仗技巧的成熟,有促进的作用。












据《晋书·陆机传》载,陆机所作诗、赋、文章,共300多篇,今存诗107首,文127篇(包括残篇)。原有文集四十七卷,《隋书· 经籍志》亦著录有《陆机集》十四卷,均佚。南宋徐民臆发现遗文10卷,与陆云集合辑为《晋二俊文集》,明代陆元大据以翻刻,即今通行之《陆士衡集》。明人张溥《汉魏六朝百三名家集》中辑有《陆平原集》。 [34]  《全晋文》卷96~卷99录有其作品,逯钦立《秦汉魏晋南北朝诗》辑有其诗。






Introduction in English

 Lu Ji (261-303), Zishiheng, from Wuxian County, Wujun County, Jiangsu Province. A famous writer and calligrapher in the Western Jin Dynasty. Born in Lushi, Wujun County, he is the fourth son of Lu Xun, the Prime Minister of Sun Wu, and the fourth son of Dasima Lukang. He is called "Erlu" together with his brother Lu Yun, and "Luoyang Sanjun" together with Gu Rong and Lu Yun.


Lu Ji was a dental goalkeeper in Sun Wu's time. After Wu's death, he became an official in the Western Jin Dynasty. Taikang was ten years old (289). When Lu Ji brothers came to Luoyang, their literary talent was overwhelming for a while. They were appreciated by Zhang Hua, who was very popular since then. Sometimes there is the saying that "two landlords enter Luo, three price reductions". Successive Taifu wine offering, Wu Guolang Zhongling, Shulang and other posts, and Jia Jing and other ties as "Lu Gong 24 friends". When Simalon, king of Zhao, came to power, he joined the army as the prime minister, sealed up the central Marquis of the Customs, and was falsely appointed when he usurped the throne. After Simalon was criticized, he was almost executed. Wang Simaying of Chengdu was rescued. Since then, Simalon has been committed to it. It is the internal history of the plain, known as the "land plain". In the second year of Tai'an (303), general and governor of Hebei led the army to fight against Sima Meng, the king of Changsha. However, he was defeated by Qilijian, and was eventually slandered and killed by the three ethnic groups of Yi.


Lu Ji's poems emphasize the importance of painting couples and parallel prose. He and his brother Lu Yunfu were well-known writers in the Western Jin Dynasty, and were praised as "Taikang Ying". With Pan Yue as the representative of the Western Jin Dynasty, Taikang style of poetry was formed, which is known as Pan Jiang Lu Hai. Lu Ji is also good at calligraphy, and his Pingfu Tie is the earliest calligraphic work of celebrities in the Middle Ages.


Jing Heng Qi Zi


Lu Ji was born in Hengshan, Wujun (Kunshan, Jiangsu Province today). He came from a famous scholar family and was the grandson of Lu Xun, Prime Minister of Sun Wu. His father Lu Kang was also Sun Wu Dasima and Lu Ji was the fourth son of Lu Kang. He is seven feet long and sounds like a bell. When I was young, I had great talent. I wrote great articles, devoted myself to Confucianism and was impolite.


In the third year of Fenghuang (274), Lu Kang died. Lu Ji and his brothers Lu Yan, Lu Jing, Lu Xuan and Lu Yun led Lu Kang's Battle and served as a dental goalkeeper.


In the first year of Taikang (280), when Lu Ji died at the age of 20, Sun Wu retired to his hometown and worked hard behind closed doors for more than ten years. Because Lu Ji's father and grandparents were generals and ministers in the capital of Sun and Wu, with outstanding merits, he deeply lamented that Sun Hao, Emperor of the late Wu Dynasty, abandoned his ancestral business and surrendered to the Western Jin Dynasty. He commented on the reasons why Sun Quan gained the world and Sun Hao died. He also traced the achievements of his grandfather and father. In the ninth year of Taikang (288), he wrote The Theory of Death Differentiation (top and bottom two articles).


Luilin Luo


Taikang 10 years (289 years), Lu Ji and his brother Lu Yun came to Luoyang, Beijing Normal University. When they first entered Luoyang, they were high-spirited. They considered themselves to be famous people in the south of the Yangtze River. They did not attach importance to the people in the Central Plains. They only visited the famous scholars and Taichang Zhanghua at that time. Zhang Hua always attaches importance to the reputation of Lu Ji. When Lu Ji meets Zhang Hua, he feels the same way. He admires Zhang Hua's virtuous demeanor and treats him with his teacher's etiquette. Zhang Hua said, "The battle of Wu was won by two handsome men." They were recommended to the princes, which made Erlu famous. Sometimes there is the saying that "two landlords enter Luo and three bargains are reduced" ("three sheets" refer to Zhang Zai, Zhang Xie and Zhang Kang).


Zhi Kuang Shi Shi


In the first year of Taixi (290), Taifu Yang Jun summoned Lu Ji to offer sacrifices to wine. In the first year of Yuankang (291), Empress Jia Nanfeng of Jin Hui launched a coup against Yang Jun.


In the second year of Yuankang (292), Lu Ji successively served as the prince's horse washer and writer. He liked to make friends with powerful families, and was kind to his relatives Jia Bin. He was one of the "twenty-four friends of Golden Valley" (one of Lu Gong's twenty-four friends), so he was ridiculed.


In the fourth year of Yuankang (294), Sima Yan, king of Wu, went out of Beijing to guard Huainan and appointed Lu Ji as commander-in-chief of Wu Guolang. In the sixth year of Yuankang (296), he traveled with King Wu to visit Liang and Chen's land, and in the winter he was transferred to Shangshu Binglang. In the seventh year of Yuankang (297), he changed to Dianzhong Lang.


In the eighth year of Yuankang (298), Lu Ji wrote a supplementary book.


In the first year of Yongkang (300 years), after Simalen, king of Zhao, launched a coup, assassinated Jia and assisted him in politics, Lu Ji was invited to join the army as Xiangguo (Simalen). As a result of his participation in criticizing Jia Jing for his meritorious service, he bestowed the title of Lord Guan Zhonghou. In the near future, Simalon will usurp the throne and appoint him as Zhongshulang.


In the first year of Yongning (301), the three kings (Sima Ran, Sima Jun, Wang Sima Ying of Chengdu) executed justice and assassinated Sima lun, who usurped the throne. Sima Ran of Qi believed that Lu Ji was in the position of Zhongshu. He suspected that Kasmaran Jiuxi and Wen Luji of Huidi Zen imperial edict were involved, so nine people, such as Lu Ji, were arrested and handed over to the court for conviction. With the help of Wang Sima Ying and Wu Wang Sima Yan in Chengdu, Lu Ji was exempted from death penalty, exiled to the border areas, and did not go until he met with amnesty. At that time, there were many difficulties in the Central Plains. Gu Rong and Dai Yuan, the famous scholars in the south of the Yangtze River who had made good friends with Lu Ji, urged Lu Ji to return to the south of the Yangtze River. After Sima Ran was in power, he boasted of his merits, was not polite to the title, and Lu Ji disliked him, so he made "Haoshi Fu" to satirize Sima Ran. Sima Ran was still unconscious, and ultimately failed and was killed.


At that time, Wang Sima Ying of Chengdu gave credit to corporal officers instead of pretending to be himself. Lu Ji not only thanked him for saving his own kindness, but also saw that the court had many disasters of mutation. He believed that Sima Ying must be able to make the Jin Dynasty prosperous, so he committed himself to him. Sima Ying let Lu Ji join the general's army and became the interior history of the plain. Later generations called it the "land plain".






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