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程邃,(1607-1692)明末清初篆刻家、书画家。 歙县(今属安徽)人,生于松江华亭(今上海松江)。程邃早年是一位品学兼优的才俊。曾拜华亭名士陈继儒门下程邃从眉公学,不惟学画,实亦学其品格和学问。同时,也从眉公处结识了黄道周。 程邃为人,诚实正直,品质端悫,崇尚气节,不与阮大铖马士英等奸党同流合污,而和清初著名的戏剧理论家李渔、大学者朱彝尊交谊甚契,为此招来不少横祸。

  • 中文名程邃
  • 出生地上海松江华亭
  • 出生日期1607
  • 逝世日期1692
  • 职业篆刻家、书画家
  • 主要成就诗文、书画、金石,无不精究
  • 代表作品山水画《千岩竞秀》
  • 所属年代明末清初
  • 穆倩
  • 垢区、青溪、垢道人、野全道者、江东布衣,明末诸生



程邃和淮安的万寿祺,同师事陈徵君,诗文、书画、金石,无不精究,为明末书法家黄道周所器重。他的诗文,信笔写就,若不经意,幽涩奥折,自成一体,曾作浩歌一篇,杜濬、魏禧、朱彝尊等均为之序跋。行书、隶书、篆书俱佳,颇负盛名。穆倩善作山水,主张以画抒情,曾在一画上题道:“ 仆性好丘壑,故镌刻之暇,随意挥洒,以泄胸中意态,非敢云能事者也”。他的画,纯用枯笔渴墨,模糊蓊郁,苍茫简远,乾皴中含苍润,别具韵味,古人给予很高评价。杨孟载曾评论:“黄子久画,如老将用兵,不立队伍,而颐指气使,无不如意,惟垢道人能之”。王昊庐亦称颂:“张璪有生枯笔,润含春泽,乾裂秋风,惟穆倩得之”。程邃精篆刻,善书画,工诗词。篆刻效法秦汉,首创朱文仿秦小印,又博采何震(皖派)、文彭(吴派)诸家之长,融会贯通,自成一派,人称“歙派”。作品淳古苍雅,章法严谨,笔意奇古。每作一印必求精到,稍不如意,则磨去重作。画学黄于久,中年后自成一格,纯用枯笔,干皴中含苍润,杨孟载评论说:“黄子久画,如老将用兵,不立队伍,而颐指气使,无不如意,惟垢道人能之”。王昊庐亦言:“张璨有生枯笔,润含春泽。干裂秋风,惟穆倩得之”。行书、隶书、篆书俱佳;诗文有奇气。著有《萧然吟》诗集等。善鉴别,家藏名画、古器甚多。现代黄宾虹评其画有“千裂秋风,润含春雨”之趣。

书法不蹈袭古人,尤工分书,长于金石考证,亦精医道。崇祯十三年( 1640 ) 尝作同《仿黄子久深岩飞瀑图》轴,著录于《知鱼堂书画录》传世作品有康熙十三年( 1640 )为王时敏作《山水图》轴,藏上海博物馆。著有《会心吟》 。

English is introduced

Historical figures

The word Mu Qian, decadent, number scale area, Qingxi, dirt Taoist, wild all road, Jiangdong commoner, the late Ming Zhu Sheng. Shexian (now Anhui), was born in Songjiang Huating (now Shanghai Songjiang). Cheng Si early years is a good character and talent. Watson Huating celebrity Chen Jiru door under Cheng Chengmei from public school, not only to learn painting, but also learn their character and learning. At the same time, also from the eyebrow office met the ecliptic weeks. The late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, social unrest, contradictory clusters, Hupenggoudang, working hand in glove. Cheng Yu-man, honest and upright, the quality of side Que, advocating integrity, not with Ruan Dacheng, Ma Shiying and other rapists, and the famous theatrical theorists Li Yu, the University of Zhu Yizun friendship deed, become close friends, Less Hengzhi. He had talked about the matter because the court was off, was confined to the door more than ten years. Later, because of that "Ma Shiying eyes more white, will be chaotic world" and other words, then Ma Shiying, Ruan Dacheng and his ilk slander persecution, thanks to Chen Zilong's protection, only from murderous.

Major achievements

Cheng Sui and Huaian Wanshou Qi, Chen Shijun with the teacher, poetry, painting, stone, all fine study, for the late Ming Dynasty calligrapher Huangdao Zhou attentive. His poems, letter pen to write, if inadvertently, quiet astringent Austrian fold, self-contained, has made a song Hao, DU Jun, Wei Xi, Zhu Yizun are prefaces and postscript. Running script, official script, seal script is superb, quite prestigious. Muqian good for the landscape, advocated to draw lyricism, has a painting on the title: "servant of good Qiu He, so engraved leisure, free to swallow, to vent chest Italian state, non-dare to cloud those things." His paintings, pure ink with a dry pen, fuzzy lush, vast simple, dry Cun Cang Run, unique charm, the ancients to give a high rating. Yang Mengzai commented: "Huang Zi-long painting, such as the veteran military forces, not the team, and arrogance, all wishful, but the dirt Taoist can." Wang Hao Lu also praised: "Zhang has a living pen, Run with Chunze, dry autumn wind, but Muqian was." Cheng fine seal carving, good painting, poetry poetry. Seal cutting to imitate the Qin and Han Dynasties, the first Zhu Wen imitation of Qin and India, and Bocai He Zhen (Anhui School), Wen Peng (Wu faction) of all the long, mastery, self-contained factions. Works of the ancient Cang Ya, rigorous, pen Italy. Each must be refined to make an Indian, a little unhappy, then grind to redo. Painting in the yellow in a long time, since the middle-aged into a grid, pure with dry pen, dry cracked Cang Run, Yang Mengzai commented: "Huang Zi-long painting, such as veteran troops, not the team, and the arrogance, all wishful, but dirt Road Of the. Wang Hao Lu also made: "Zhang can have a living pen, Run with Chunze. Dry autumn wind, but Muqian was." Running script, official script, seal script is superb; Author of "Xiao Ran Yin" poetry and so on. Good identification, possession of paintings, ancient artifacts. Modern Huang Binhong commented on its painting, "a thousand crack autumn, Run with rain" interest.

Calligraphy does not play the ancients, especially work book, longer than the stone research, but also fine medical Road. Chongshui thirteen years (1640) tasted the same as "imitation Huang Zi deep rock waterfalls map" axis, recorded in the "known fish hall painting and calligraphy" handed down works have Kangxi thirteen years (1640) for Wang Shimin "landscape" axis, possession ShangHai museum. Author of "knowing Yin."






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