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冯超然 (1882~1954),名迥,字超然,以字行,号涤舸,别署嵩山居士,晚号慎得,江苏常州人。早年精仕女,晚年专攻山水,工行草篆隶,偶刻印。冯超然的山水画,情致温婉,出自“四王”、文征明,上溯董源、巨然,可谓有源有序,自出机杼。1922年冯老在41岁时方得一子,起名让先,1951年冯氏父子两人在中国照相馆合照一影,冯老亲笔题七绝一首:“大树婆娑小树青,须眉毕照不辞形,皎然而立衰翁后,恰好今年合百龄。1990年,他应美国旧金山FCA建筑设计公司之聘请,担任顾问建筑师职务,2000年在美国退休,现寓美国加州的核桃溪。

  • 中文名冯超然
  • 别名名迥,字超然,以字行,号涤舸,别署嵩山居士,晚号慎得
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍江苏常州
  • 出生地江苏常州
  • 出生日期1882年9月6日
  • 逝世日期1954年8月21日
  • 职业艺术、画家
  • 代表作品《仕女捧桃图》、《岁寒图》、《柳江秋燕图》

中国美术网 09-05 浏览


冯超然,(1882~1954),名回,号涤舸,别号嵩山居士,晚号慎得。原籍江苏常州。辛亥革命后,寓居上海嵩山路,署其居室为"嵩山草堂"。自童年始酷爱绘画,十三、四岁卖画已有所收。早年精仕女,以唐寅仇英为法,笔墨醇雅;晚年专攻山水,饶有文徵明秀逸之气。好吟咏,工行草篆隶,均骨力神韵并具。偶刻印;好交友,与吴昌硕吴湖帆、顾鹤逸、陆廉夫多往还 。对己作颇自矜贵,三、四十年代,与吴湖帆、吴待秋吴子深在上海画坛有"三吴一冯"之称 。一生卖画为生。沦陷时期,为避免敌伪人士求画故意抬高润笔,有一汉奸不惜重金,仍纠缠不已,无奈,草率挥毫,并题一绝,内有"不是不归归未得,家山虽好虎狼多"之句,把敌伪譬作虎狼。


传世之作有《仕女捧桃图》、《岁寒图》、《柳江秋燕图》,其中前两幅均收藏于上海博物 冯超然画作馆,后者录於《中国现代名画》。出版有《冯超然临严香府山水册》、《冯涤舸画集》。 此外还有《武夷叠嶂》、《秋山行旅》、《三圣图》、《苍山雪霁》等作品。




English Introduction

Frederick aloof, (1882~1954), name, number Di Ge, alias Songshan Buddhist, late sign it. Origin Changzhou Jiangsu. After the revolution of 1911, live in Shanghai Songshan Road, the Department of the room for "Songshan cottage". Since childhood love painting, thirteen, four years old to sell paintings have been received. Early fine ladies, Tang Yin, Qiu Ying as the law, ink elegance; old age in the landscape, with his elegant atmosphere. Good chant, zhuanli cursive work, both strength and charm. My good friends, Wu Changshuo and mark; and Wu Hufan, Gu Heyi, Lu Lian Fu more exchanges. To make quite expansive, three, 40s, with Wu Hufan, Wu Daiqiu, Wu Zishen in Shanghai painting "three Wu Feng" said. Life selling paintings for a living. During the fall, in order to avoid the puppet people draw deliberately raise runbi, a traitor at large, still worry, frustration, and hasty brush, a problem, with "do not return without, Jiashan is good many tigers" of the sentence, the puppet PI for tigers.

A masterpiece of "Ladies holding map", "winter peach map", "the Liujiang River autumn Yan", of which the first two are collected in Shanghai Museum paintings Feng detached Museum, the latter recorded in "China modern paintings". The publication of "Feng Lin Xiang Fu Yan detached landscape", "Feng Dige album". In addition to "Wuyi", "peaks" Akiyama streams, "Sam map", "Cangshan Ji" and other works.
The maximum size for the "Li Ying Qiu Ji Hanlin map" 110 cm wide known in the masterpieces, 188 cm long, in order to draw a huge work, Mr. Feng Chaoran which lasted for seventeen years, become a piece of the painting in the course of the longest. Can be called as the representative works of the ancient transformation of Feng's detachment. The works in 2009 to Chinese Autumn Auction on the price of nearly 2 million yuan turnover, a year of the works of Feng Chaoran world records.
Frederick aloof landscape painting, temperament gentle, from "Four Wangs", Wen Zhengming, Dong Yuan and Ju ran back, is active and orderly, innovation.
"Summer mountain waterfall" depicts the summer mountain scenery, a southern Dong Ju left rules, style.
The mountains rise steeply, valley pine trees, a wild profusion of vegetation, coiled, waterfall rapids, falling a thousand feet wide, the shore, the vast graciousness, courtyard cottage,
Colorful shade,
The people as a pleasurable occupation adds infinite vitality for nature.
The focus of this figure painter "quiet", "deep", through the back disc winding valleys, layers of the deployment and performance of the summer in the mountains quiet and pleasant,
Refreshing and comfortable,
So that they stay in the mountains and the world, looking for and enjoy the infinite pleasure of nature.
Feng detached family
In the former Shanghai No. 90 Songshan Road, lived a famous painter - "Songshan cottage" master Feng Chaoran. He Jiong, No. Di Ge, and the word was carefully. Feng Department of Jiangsu Changzhou people, born in the eight years of the Qing Dynasty, in 1882, is a versatile artist. He figures, ladies, landscapes, flowers and birds, insects, animals, and all pieces, to force and position charm. The famous painter Ye Gongchuo was in Feng Dige before the album inscription written in "transcendental painting, God rules, full of energy, and show the so-called bone Tiancheng, in my own......" In order to praise Feng can create their own personality and style. Such a versatile artist, in the ancient and modern China painting is indeed a rare talent
Feng Lao being indifferent, not fame and fortune in life constraints, has never held a personal exhibition, never advertised himself. He was a year old at the age of 60 in the figure of the "New Year paintings, and it is not for work," the sentence, he was magnanimous enough to express the mind. "Artemisia mountain cottage" on fine days in spring and autumn, Tan Yi Road, Guests feel at home., there is no false date. The painter Wu Changshuo, Long Feng detached at the age of 38, two people for the friendship between old and young people. "Songshan cottage" was hung two paintings: "day water park set of hanging scrolls" and "ark, from the Wu Yi Hua". In the Feng detached door, cultivate Lu Yanshao, Zheng Mukang, Tang Yi Fang and other famous artists, even Yu Zhenfei is a disciple of Kunqu Opera master Feng, often to the door. Pingtan masters Yang Zhenxiong often went to visit, yang to absorb many Kunqiang charm in singing, it is with them "Songshan cottage" gathered from real, has a direct relationship.
In 1922, Feng old at the age of 41 have a son, named for the first, in 1951 two Feng's father and son to a movie on China studio photo, Feng Lao wrote a poem: "the tree Posuo seven little Shu Qing, a bi according to speech, Jiaoran and bad Weng, just this year with success." With more than seventy years of "Essien years old, let the son is thirty, pictured left by Ballantine, mark, Shen play title."
Feng Rangxian graduated from the Department of architecture, Jiang University in 1944. Former deputy chief engineer of Shanghai merchants Bureau before liberation, and long term service for water transport engineering design unit of the Ministry of communications. From 1988 third harbor engineering Shanghai Department of Transportation Survey and Design Institute retired technical title is professor level senior architect. He was the chief engineer of the Chinese Harbour Engineering Corporation in the Middle East, Arabia, United Arab Emirates. In 1990, he was hired by the San Francisco FCA architectural design company, as a consultant architect, retired in the United States in 2000, is now the United States, California, walnut creek. Let the first at his father's teachings, but also good at painting, only in landscape, only for leisure entertainment or friends.
The author and let the first from 1940 graduated from the Shanghai Nanyang middle school, friends with complete mutual understanding for more than half a century as one day. I got married in Shanghai in 1948, the first let be the best man, Feng Laoceng five linked with the book. Let me first and early for his father fed plum roll, with Wu Hufan as mentioned in the previous set of words, is a top grade, precious. In 1999 2001, I went to the United States twice, both to let the first gather and walnut creek. He has two women and two men: first letter green, at the age of 36 due to asthma deaths; the markings, retired, now living in Shanghai; the eldest son Qiu days in Australia, and MBA, currently doing business in Melbourne; a male Cheonan, graduated from the University of Southern California, received a master's degree in architecture, as a registered architect in California currently, the chief architect of the subway system in San Francisco area.






    最近更新:2024-12-14 03:09:51
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