陈允升(1820-1884),字仲升,一字纫斋,号壶洲,一作壶舟,一号壶父,又号金峨山樵,邓县(今浙江宁波)人,寓上海卖画。善草隶。山水法梅耦长(庚)、戴怀古(思望)、然怀古林峦简澹,极有元人气;耦长脱略凡宗,不名一家。允升具体而微,笔墨气韵似皆不及。尝缩其所作刻纫斋画膡书皮於光绪二年(一八七六)。同治六年(一八六七)尝作梅窗美人图,现存日本。余事作印,亦工整有法。 生平散见《寒松阁谈艺琐录》、《海上墨林》、《近代六十名家画传》、《广印人传》、《湖社月刊》。
English Introduction
Chen Yunsheng (1820-1884), Zi Zhong Sheng, a sewing room, a pot, pot of delta, a boat, a pot of gold, father, and Shan Qiao, Deng county (now Zhejiang Ningbo), Yu Shanghai to sell paintings. Good grass and good grass. The landscape is long famenne (g), (Si Wang), a nostalgic nostalgia but Lin Luan Jane Dan, very popular element; coupling length slightly off the name of a not all cases. Cheungchau small but complete, like the spirit of pen and ink is less than. Taste the moment of sewing shrinkage in Ying Zhai painting covers two years Guangxu (1876). Tongzhi six years (1867) taste for Mei window beauty map, existing in japan. For more than India, also a neat method. Life "Han Song Tan Yi Ge scattered and recorded", "sea", "modern Merlin sixty famous painting", "India", from "Lake Community monthly".